RED. Concept Document

Game Design — Concept

Shringi Kumari


Architectural fresco with black panels in Pompeii by Luigi Bazzani. Public Domain

Game Category

RED is a 2D strategy and simulation video game.

Game Overview

Red is a 2D strategy simulation where the player is visiting a less developed planet Lemut with her boss. They have 42 days to increase the overall “Quality of Life” of Lemutians who thankfully speak English by giving them resources Red and her boss have carried from Earth. Ideally they should deplete all their resources before they return.

On a day to day basis Red sets up her camp to take requests from a queue of Lemutian women and tries to cater to their needs by distributing resources. Trouble is that Lemutians use English in a much different way than RED and her boss expected. These Lemutian ladies don’t clearly say what they need and don’t simply accept what is being given to them. Red has to slowly learn their patterns of speech or read their minds to be able to actually help them. For the resources, RED can hand resources from her bag or combine them to make something that may be more suitable. It doesn’t help that her Boss wants to simply be done with the resources and get back to Earth with a success story.

RED is working against time here. There are 42 days and each day’s performance effects the length of the queue for the next day…

