Game Review: “Emily Wants to Play”

Alexandria Ducksworth
The Gamer Room
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2020


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Emily Wants to Play is a delightful Halloween treat. This is a survival horror game that doesn’t take weeks to complete; it’s short, creepy, unique, and quite clever.

You’re a pizza man out for a late-night delivery only to find yourself trapped in a stranger’s home. Where are the inhabitants?

There is only you, a strange little girl, and her three freaky dolls. It’s only 11 PM, and you have until 6 AM to get out of dodge. Emily wants to play a little game. Will you survive?

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Emily Wants to Play creator Shawn Hitchcock takes creepiness into small settings. It’s not set in an elaborate mansion or a vast forest. You have your typical, two-floor suburban home. You don’t have to go far to venture through this game.

Every hour, there’s a new challenge. As you explore the home, you’ll encounter Emily’s notes, a few directions (I mean a few) on how to play the game, and tape recordings from Emily’s mother. Each recording reveals snippets of Emily’s life. Let’s just say they weren’t pleasant.

Eventually, you meet the dolls: Kiki, Mr. Tatters the clown, and Chester, who looks like Slappy from Goosebumps. When you first…

