How Overwatch Kept Me Writing

Alexandria Ducksworth
The Gamer Room
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2019
“Overwatch Review” from BagoGames (Flickr)

I enjoy writing daily and playing my current gaming obsession: Overwatch.

How did I balance my writing time with this addictive video game?

A year ago, I set up a goal to gain my first bronze star. I had to go through 101 levels to get there.

Lightbulb moment: I can use my writing goals as a discipline to give myself a chance to play. It all came down to three steps of a habit: the trigger, action, and the reward.

“The Habit Loop” from Charles Duhigg


I set up my notebook, laptop, and pencils on my desk before I go to bed. They’ll be the first things I see when I wake up.


30 to 45-minute writing sessions (including research and drafting) with 15 min breaks. These writing sessions don’t stop until I’ve completed a draft.


I’ve tested out many ways of achieving game time through writing. Here are the methods:

  • 1,000 words = 1 level
  • 3,000 words weekly goal = three levels
  • 1–2–3 step rewards: 1,000 words (1 level), 2,000 word (2 levels), and 3,000 words (3 levels)

NOTE: The hardest reward was the 3,000-word weekly goal. I didn’t have the discipline in the beginning. I finally created a plan to break the word count into manageable chunks ranging from 500 to 1,000 words a day.

On the other hand, writing a draft (no matter a word count) a day was the easiest.

First drafts aren’t perfect (no duh) — no need to freak out over perfection. The main writing goal was to capture an idea and put it on paper immediately. The editing magic came later.

Thank goodness, I’ve made this plan. Being a writer is awesome.

