Shanghai Dragons’ Geguri Bids Farewell

Alexandria Ducksworth
The Gamer Room
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2020
Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

2020 keeps coming up with more surprising news.

The Overwatch League’s (OWL) first female player departs from the Shanghai Dragons. Se-Yeon “Geguri” Kim has been with the team for three seasons and 32 months. If you’re a fan, don’t freak out. She’ll still be involved with the OWL.

On October 26, the official Shanghai Dragons Twitter page announced members DDing, Luffy, Diem, Diya, and Geguri will be leaving the team.

Geguri has become an inspiring figure for female eSports players all over. When she was 17 years old, Geguri was falsely accused of using an aimbot for her insane skills playing as the ruthless, laser-welding Russian tank Zarya. Geguri had to broadcast her gameplay, proving she was indeed a phenomenal player. Eventually, Blizzard stepped in and cleared all the accusations.

Additionally, Geguri has made Time Magazine’s Next Generation Leaders list and a temporary mascot for the South Korean D.Va Association. Geguri politely requested the feminist group to remove her image.

Where will Geguri go next? Time will only tell when the next OWL season returns. Hopefully, more female competitors will come to the ring in the future.

“Hero Moments: Geguri” by Overwatch League (via YouTube)

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