Violent Video Games Haven’t Turned Me Into a Spine-Ripping Psychopath

Alexandria Ducksworth
The Gamer Room
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2019


Photo by MAGNIFIC EYE on Unsplash

Are we going back to blaming video games for gratuitous acts of violence? Again?

Recently, President Donald Trump pointed out violent video games were the reason behind the shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas.

What Happened in El Paso?

21-year-old Patrick Crusius shot and killed 22 people at a local Wal-Mart in El Paso, Texas. He posted a racist manifesto on 8chan before he went on his planned rampage.

Crusius’ The Inconvenient Truth ranted about immigration, Hispanics “stealing” jobs, and the dangers of interracial marriage.

Website infrastructure and security company Cloudflare has cut ties with 8chan after they discovered another shooter had been involved with the site. The Christchurch shooter had also posted a similar manifesto on 8chan.

Video Games Haven’t Turned Me Violent

