Square Enix and Final Fantasy

Brandon Wilcox
The Gaming Planet
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2019

Near the beginning of RPG’s Hironobu Sakaguchi, a pioneer, began by producing other games, yet none of them took off properly. This broke him down until he created his final game, his Final Fantasy, and at the very last moment, it took off and bloomed into the series that it is today! From Final Fantasy on to Final Fantasy XV, there have been lots of story changes, but one has always remained. The Warriors of Light fighting to protect the Crystals and save the world either with the Warriors of Darkness or against them. The first game created the universe and has led to so many sequels and stories from revolutions or war from each game.

From the second game, it jumped off the idea yet it was the black sheep of the series. After its creation, all the games kept improving until today's date in time. There was always a gap in which Sakaguchi, with whatever team he had, could experiment, think up new ideas and research new storylines and characters.

Most of the ideas for bosses from the games came from mythology with bosses such as Odin, the Leviathan, and even Suzaku of the Four Symbols from the Chinese constellations. Each boss has their own story behind them and a reason behind which they are in the story. No matter the context they somehow affect the worlds that they are a part of. Later on, Final Fantasy XIV expanded by adding some of the final bosses from earlier Final Fantasy games, like Chaos from the original and Kefka from Final Fantasy VI which quickly became a favorite for the players of the Final Fantasy genre. One of the most popular games in the Final Fantasy series that everyone knows is Final Fantasy VII.

This game was one of the most popular of its time, even today one of the most sought after things is a Remaster of Final Fantasy VII. Every game has had some impact on the world and given all the people who play these games a chance to live in another world and enjoy and change that world for better or worse. Each time you play one of these games there are many things that you can do, from finding all of the Ultimate Weapons to completing all of the quests in the game. Each story is always new, evolving, while still keeping the core 4 Crystals line. One of the most important parts of gaming was first debuted in Final Fantasy VII. That key integration was voices, with the in-game music portraying one of the most epic songs of all time, One-Winged Angel.

This song combined great orchestral arrangements with recorded voices for the first time in all of gaming. In every game, there were a couple of songs with voices that always had an incredible emotional impact, from Answers to Melodies of Life. Though truthfully, the songs from all Final Fantasy games have an impact, especially with Aerith's theme from Final Fantasy VII, which, if you have ever seen someone listen to this song who has completed Final Fantasy VII, then you will see the tears begin to streak down their face. From the beginning of these games to today Final Fantasy is an integral part of many peoples childhoods and life in general, these stories helping to spark creativity and friendships from across the globe. Every game gives a person the chance to be a hero, to build connections with characters that will one day help them in their own lives with how the characters act or were developed. From Cloud to Thancred each character has a different creative idea and personality that we see in the real world each day, from sarcasm to kindness and ignorance. Each game we play we see each character creating a new idea for how to respond to different parts of life, even giving a new view on how to handle violence and fighting in the real world. Yet even with all of these positives inside the company, its customer support remains one of the worst ever created. Due to being in any time zone except for BST/GMT (British Standard or Greenwich Mean) you will have problems contacting their online support if your account becomes compromised or you just generally lose access to the account. One of the major issues with the company’s support is that their wait times are obnoxious and in general irritating from having to wait 3.5 hours just for a minor fix. This combined with the fact that the consumer is already frustrated with the issue at hand becomes a PR nightmare for any company. Even with these issues, it remains one of the leading companies out of many in the Triple-A industry, and will probably remain so for many years. Thousands more memories will be made throughout this series life span. From Final Fantasy to Bravely Default each expands on the adventurous idea behind finding ancient artifacts and saving the world, and the future from some great evil. From bosses like Shinryu to Gaius Van Baelsar, each boss has a story behind who they are and why they are there. Their stories inspire hundreds of people that no matter how far down a path you travel, you can always turn back. You are not who you were yesterday. These stories help you know exactly what you can do with life when it has been put into your hands. Crystals are beautiful and amazing things, yet they also can be used for cruel purposes. By the end, you can create your own story and save everyone or damn everyone; it is your choice on what is done and what you will do. Will you be a Warrior of Light and help the world become a better place? Restore it to the way it was? Or shall you go insane and rule the world by destroying it like Kefka and Chaos? Well, player, in the words of somebody who can’t be bothered to sign their name, “It’s a big world out there. Explore.”



Brandon Wilcox
The Gaming Planet

Writing how I feel about the world and its many obstacles's in being raised.