The Rise And Fall of COD Zombies

Alvin Morales-Castillo
The Gaming Planet
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2019

Call of duty zombies community has seen their favorite game mode rise to once, to one of the best zombies series to ever come to the video game world. It all started when WaW came out with a little extra game mode at the end of its campaign. A small area with only a total of 4 doors to open and lots of windows the zombies could get into changed and got the video community and brought something that wasn't even meant to be be added to game make one of the biggest community shifts in franchise history.

Where it all began where a story line so little and incomplete will become a huge a franchise hit. The 2 new maps in COD1 after finishing the outstanding and so do i say so myself, one of the best ever first person shooter campaigns in history of video game, (but that another topic for a later post) came an add on to your playlist, zombies. Zombies got so much attention from fans that it ended up becoming its own storyline away from its original just multiplayer first person shooter.

COD became a big franchise hit at around 2009. The story line began at an old bunker with 4 characters that we didn't consider much about. They later added another map to the game Die Rise and that when the community wanted more. So in Cod 1 they added more maps and keeping it fresh with new updates and bug fixes which were really complicated because it was the early 2000’s and they still didn't know how fix a screen crash but it all turned out very well.

During this time the creators wanted to now make this special with giving it a storyline. Many didn't think it were possible, but they proved the community wrong. People were all curious to how this started and how this gun was made and how the zombies essentially became zombies. They ended up telling a story about WWII and that the nazi’s were going for their last hope trying to create a superhuman ended up just making the dead com alive with the substance 115. Seem’s simple correct? Wrong, the creators ended up making this story 100x more complicated than needed be, they have made 3 games with over 25 maps and they are still not able to finish which has just been disappointing.

This is where the fall begins, they have created an unintentional masterpiece of a game mode that has so much potential that they ended up dragging it so long that the community has just let it go. The amount of time and dedication players had for the game was lost because making more money was their goal. Thats the problem cod has had with zombies they lost their player base and it has been shown in sales after making 4 of the exact game making it boring and no longer enjoyable.

Players have lost interest in the game, the creators of zombies have made the game so difficult for casual players that they just left. The game that is now based on easter eggs not surviving anymore has made the community unistristed. They have lost their main player base. They started out with a game survival and adding little story to it, not making the whole game into a clue fest towards when you fail a quest you die. That item of the game makes it towards casual players can’t play.

The zombies mode was made to survive all the way to the end. Zombies wasn't made to spend 3 hours trying to try and get a single weapon that in most cases not even good enough to kill the zombies making the game pointless. You get no real satisfaction when going for 4 hours trying to get 20 second movie that has already been up to youtube by thousands of players. Doing this to the game lost players, loss of interest, and lost of passion.

The downfall has been shown in statistics of sales. They haven't done anything to try and change this downfall. Talking to the community would make a huge change. Seeing what they need and what they want would make a huge difference that could make the game back to life.

