To love again

Kristina Garla
the garden
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2020

The universe always answers our calls. It is just, that sometimes it is not in the way we expect it. But it always delivers what we ask for from the depths of our hearts. The way of the universe is mysterious. That is its beauty and its power. Leaving us with no choice but to trust the universe. To let it have its way with us.

There is an old tale. About a man. Who loves a woman. Dearly. He hands her his heart. For her to hold. Forever. Vows are spoken. A veil lifted and their love sealed with a kiss. They live life for many years dreaming together. Until one day, she slips through his fingers. Stolen by an illness. Death and dust. And he mourns her. His heart a pile of ash sitting deep inside his chest. His private tears unending.

He continues to walks through life, doing whatever the world asks. Brushing his teeth. Continuing with his job. Looking after his house. But the palms of his hands, remember. And they ache to hold her hands. Once more. But as the tears soften. And the years pass. He begins to hear her last words. ‘Please love again.’ He wakes to these words. He goes to sleep to these words. And so, without realising it. From deep inside him. He asks this of the universe. And it answers his call.

One day in the sunshine he meets another woman. She quickens his heart and lingers his eye. It takes him by surprise. Throws him off balance for a while. They talk. They know. It is written in their eyes. He feels a fire in his heart ignite. The flames warm his chest. But she is taken. Her heart promised to another. So they choose to look away. He watches as she walks into the sunset. Holding hands with another. He walks the other way. Alone.

The universe answered his call to love again. And at first, this tale seems to be one of heartbreak. A man loves his wife, she dies, eventually he loves another, but he cannot have her. How cruel the universe must be to do this to this man. But unfolding the mystery of the universe in this tale, you see it is actually a story of hope. Before we can love again, we must know that we can love again. Our heart must be reignited. This woman, already betrothed, is not his to love but she is his to know he can love again. That is her role. To light his heart once more.

The universe knows. Understands the way of the human heart. A grieving man may never allow his heart to be reignited. The cold wall of grief he builds around it may be too high. Protecting it. Holding it for his love past. First the universe must surprise him. In order for a spark to scale the wall. Then the universe must make him safe. It says to him, ‘My dear man, this new love is not a threat to your old love. She is already taken. So you can safely let your heart love again.’ And he does. With flames now burning in his heart. With the warmth of love. The coldness of grief will melt a little. He will love once again. He will walk through life with a warm heart. Open to finding another.

I am grateful for this old tale. I am grateful this man will love again.

Originally published at on October 28, 2020.



Kristina Garla
the garden

Writer. Storyteller. Meditator. Poet. Curious about the world. Values kindness. Lover of ideas. Full of wonder. Curious Muse.