A change of century is due

the gas station philosopher


Although a far more complex task than the already available autonomous driven underground trains in many cities, technology is soon to make open street autonomous driven vehicles possible.

Society, and lawmakers along with, are left to grow to this new technological possibility.

Yet many people still believe they enjoy driving even from home to work and back. The majority of them are confused. Confused because of the inherited social values of a previous generation and because the poignant insistence of advertising companies who very effectively exploit and hack into our brains. Driving can be an exhilarating experience indeed, in a seemingly powerful car and in a racing track.

The majority of the population is moving into cities, larger or not so large, but still cities. Most of these cities are not able to cope with the growing demand for transportation, leaving its dwellers barely only one option; the private vehicle. In this manner, the private vehicle is experiencing a transformation in the underlying perception of its users; what it used to be a sign of freedom and independence in the last century is becoming a sign of slavery today. Slavery to hours of traffic jams, polluted streets and tunnels, not to mention to trying to drive and text; text is the new freedom and independence of the new century. Slavery in the car as opposite to freedom in the public transport network… with a smartphone.



the gas station philosopher

Ehemann, Wanderer, Leser, Photographer. Pasaporte español, cor i seny català. Quiet. Portfolio: http://thegasstationphilosopher.de