Just like you.
On Sunday, September 13, I received a message from David. He not only made my day, he touched my heart. Here is what he wrote:
Moments ago, as I scrolled through the plethora of posts tagged “Catholic” on Facebook, I came across one in particular that immediately grabbed my attention. It had a headline including the following quote: ‘You Can Be Catholic and Be Gay’.
Of course, in the context of that article, those words were your words — and they’re also the same words that I’ve repeated aloud and cognitively more times than I can recall in the course of my relatively short life.
It was this article that led me to your blog, the contents of which I’ve now read, and is for that opportunity that I consider myself grateful.
Why, you ask?
My name is David. I’m from Texas. I’m Catholic. I’m gay. And, I’m exactly what God intended me to be.
Just like you.
I’m also what we would call a cradle Catholic. Though, it pains me to say that I now seem to be the only practicing Catholic left in my family — another example of life’s existential irony, I suppose.
With undying faith in God, similar to your own, I’ve faced the misconceptions of Catholics and non-Catholics alike, gay and straight, both laypeople and clergy, to include having overcome the challenges that accompanied the honor and blessing of serving as the godfather to a beautiful baby girl.
October 4th will also mark the three-year anniversary since the last day that my father spoke to me, for it was on October 3rd, 2012 that I told him I’m gay and it was that same day that I lost his love and respect.
However, my intentions today are not to burden you with the degenerate details of my life, for my faith in God and the Church has never shined brighter, in the same way that the love I feel for my fellow man remains constant.
I’ve always looked at myself as an endangered species — the human equivalent of a white tiger or some other anomaly found in nature. Sure, I’ve met other Catholics who define themselves as gay and, vice versa, gay people who define themselves as Catholic. But, the number of times I’ve met another devout Catholic gay person who feels at peace with themselves, the Church, and their sexuality? Not once.
Until today.
So, I simply wanted to say thank you — for your faith, for your love, and for your commitment to both God and yourself. I wanted to make sure that you know you’re not alone, that, if anything, you and I are of similar minds and hearts, and that has to mean something, right? After all, I feel as if God called me to write to you today, and while I may not feel qualified to speak on behalf of the Church or all gay Christians, I often try to recall a piece of wisdom given to me once by a priest in a homily: God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called. And, so, like you, I will continue to live my life as I believe God is calling me to, with love and compassion, understanding and forgiveness, and unwavering devotion.
As I’m sure you would agree, though it faces many challenges, the Church is a beautiful and extraordinary thing, and I’m wholeheartedly believe that it’s fortunate to have a soul as beautiful and extraordinary as yours to help strengthen it and spread its good nature throughout the world.
So, if it’s not too much to ask, should you have the opportunity to hug His Holiness during his upcoming visit, please add an extra second to that embrace with me in mind.
The very thought brings a smile to my face.
With love,
My name is Aaron.
I’m Catholic.
I’m Gay.
I’m Me.
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To contact Aaron, please email him at aaron.thegaycatholic@gmail.com.