Remember Remember the 15th of November

What’s so special about that day?

Nikos Skordilis
Geeky Pub
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2022


Annual calendar with November 15 circled in red
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (cropped and edited by author)

In my previous article about the rising global population I explained that it is both rising and its rise is losing steam at the same time:

As I wrote in that article the two major birth engines of the planet are Africa and India. Most of the others have already fizzled, or are so small that they barely register on a global scale.

Why should you remember November 15?

Because on that day we will reach -or have already reached, depending on when you read this- a cool 8 billion people. The exact time is unclear, but according to projections by the UN that’s the day we become 8 billion strong.

The case of India

In 2023 one other record will be reached: India will surpass China as the most populous country.While India is barely behind China at the moment they generate 86,000 babies every day versus China’s 49,400 babies.



Nikos Skordilis
Geeky Pub

Curious Top 0.1% content creator gaining a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and visuals.