Submission Guidelines for the Geeky Pub (updated)

How to submit your article

Nikolaos Skordilis
Geeky Pub
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2022


A blackboard with the words who, when, how, what, why and where written on it, along with a large question mark.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I looked up for a pub about science in general or astronomy in particular to publish my “We Are Made of Star Stuff” article*, but found none that was suitable. Ethan Siegel’s pub is the most popular about astronomy, but he clearly writes solo.

The others I found were personal, long deserted, provided no option for new writers, or all of the above. Hence I decided to set up a second pub after VSS365. But I did not want to limit myself to astronomy, since I want to write about many other stuff.

So what articles are suitable for this pub? Like its tagline says, “Everything Geeky.” Let’s elaborate on that. You may write everything a geek like me would love to read. And yes, I will read them all.

So, these are the submission guidelines:

  1. You may write about tech and science, about anime and manga, about philosophy, astronomy, psychology, math, physics, history, chemistry, computers, cellphones, gadgets, the web, gaming, programming, cryptography, privacy and security, even meta articles with a ‘geeky flair’.
    I mean you should comment on a tech aspect of Medium and/or its algorithm, not solely on revenue, followers, read-for-reads…



Nikolaos Skordilis
Geeky Pub

Curious creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and images.