Importing samples from Amazon S3

Miguel Liezun
The Gencove Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2021

New Gencove Feature Released

At Gencove, we are committed to making genome sequencing more accessible. To that end, we are pleased to announce the ability to use Amazon S3 directly as an import origin in addition to supporting uploads through our CLI, our API, or from BaseSpace. The new feature saves time because samples can now be imported directly from an S3 bucket without the need to download and then upload again. In this post, we show how to import samples from a S3 URI to a project.

How It Works

To be able to import samples first you need to have a working S3 connection, then you can provide the S3 URI of the folder (i.e., prefix) where your samples are located.

Next, select the project where you want to import the samples for analysis.

Finally, you get an overview of where you can see the S3 URI from where samples are going to be imported and the project they will be imported into. Also, optionally, you can add sample metadata in JSON format.

After you click “Run analysis” samples will be copied from the S3 bucket, added to the project, and sent to analysis. After the analysis finishes, results will be visible in the project detail page.

Please refer to our documentation for more details about the Gencove S3 integration and, as always, let us know what you think.

