ChatGPT Made Me a Color Chart to Impress My Friends

And I didn’t even ask for one

Christopher Kokoski
The Generator


Woman using a computer with colorful charts and magic — ChatGPT Made Me a Color Chart to Impress My Friends
I made this image and content using ChatGPT and Canva — Credit

I’m not saying that we have reached AGI but I’m flabernoodled.

In the middle of working on a blog post for one of my websites, I asked ChatGPT to include a chart somewhere in the content. Usually, I end up with a simple table of information (which I am more than happy with).

But not this time.

This time Chattie Ole’ Boy did something wildly different — and better, if you ask me.

ChatGPT gave me a color chart.

Note: This may be old news for AI power users but, for some reason, I have just discovered AI’s ability to do this for me right in the chatbot.

Here Is the Chart that ChatGPT Just Gave Me

Color chart made by ChatGPT and my little prompts
Saved image of a chart made by ChatGPT — Credit

It’s not going to win any awards for content or aesthetics but it’s pretty damn good for a “freebie” thrown at me by artificial intelligence. I do think that it makes the article better.

And all I did was ask for a chart.

Not a color chart. Not a specific chart. Just a chart somewhere in the content.

And boy oh boy did I get one.

How Can You Get ChatGPT to Make a Chart for You

In my recent experiments, I’ve found a few ways to get ChatGPT (and probably other AI writers) to create charts for you.

The simpliest method is to simply prompt ChatGPT.

You can say: “Please make a chart.”

It’s helpful to give ChatGPT context. When I stumbled upon ChatGPTs chart-making powers, I was working on a complete blog post with a topic, subtopics, etc.

In other words, ChatGPT had information to wrangle into a chart.

So either feed ChatGPT the information or ask ChatGPT to completely make up a chart for you. Just this morning, I told ChatGPT that I was running public tests where I was trying to energy shift into invisibility.

ChatGPT didn’t bat an eye or question this somewhat ridiculous idea.

However, in ChatGPT’s defense, it did call my experiements “an intriguing concept” which seems like a nice way to say “looney-toons.”

When I simply asked for ChatGPT to describe these tests and include a chart of my results, it gave me a bulleted list instead of a chart. So I refined my prompt by saying: “please give me a more colorful and cooler looking chart t hat would impress my friends.”

Again, ChatGPT did not question my request or motivations, which is nice.

And, I got this beautiful chart:

Chart of invisibility tests
Cool Chart by ChatGPT to Impress my Friends — Credit

After thoroughly studying this chart, it appears that I’m invisible in a library.

Ok, what I find funny is that all of these results can probably be explained by strangers looking at their phones and not really caring to pay attention to some weirdo in dark clothes “energy shifting” into invisibility.

Also, it just sounds like I’m an introvert that only draws attention from bored children and baristas (salespeople).

I find this all hilariously stupid.

But, the chart itself is pretty cool. All you need to do is to ask, “Make a cool chart,” “Make a colorful chart,” or “Make an impressive chart.”

How You Can Use This Chart Function

Here are just a few ways that I came up with in less than a minute:

  • Content Creation for Websites: Enhance blog posts and articles with custom charts that complement the written content, making it more engaging for readers.
  • PowerPoint Presentations: Elevate your presentations by including unique, eye-catching charts that illustrate key points clearly and effectively.
  • School Projects: Use charts to visually represent data and research findings, adding a professional touch to school reports and projects.
  • Marketing Materials: Create charts for brochures, flyers, and online ads to visually communicate marketing data and consumer trends.
  • Social Media Posts: Add charts to your social media content strategy to share insights, fun facts, or trends with your audience in a more digestible format.
  • Financial Reporting: Simplify complex financial data into easy-to-understand charts for reports, meetings, or investor briefings.
  • Health and Fitness Tracking: Visualize progress in health and fitness goals with custom charts that track milestones and improvements.
  • Event Planning: Use charts to outline event schedules, budget allocations, or attendee demographics for better planning and organization.
  • Educational Resources: Develop engaging educational materials and online courses by incorporating charts that explain concepts visually.
  • Research Papers: Support your research findings with charts that clearly represent data analysis, making your arguments stronger and more convincing.
  • Personal Projects: Bring your personal projects to life, whether it’s tracking reading habits, personal finances, or any other hobby that involves data, with visually appealing charts.
  • Business Strategies: Present business strategies and performance metrics in charts for clearer communication with team members and stakeholders.

I’m sure there are many other use cases but this is a really great start!

Final Thoughts

Maybe I’m just a big AI nerd (I definitely am), but I love this feature and plan to use it as much as possible in my content workflow.

And, from now on, whenever anyone calls me quiet or an introvert, I’m going to say, “I’m not an introvert, I’m energy shifting into invisibility.”

Thanks for reading! You’re awesome 😃.



Christopher Kokoski
The Generator

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