Dear Spotify, Here’s How You Could Make AI DJ More Magical

A wishlist for taking AI DJ from good to great

Clayton Moulynox
The Generator


Image source: Created by the author with MidJourney

Hey there, Spotify. You remember when sliced bread came out, and people thought it was magical? Yeah, me neither. I wasn’t there. But it made front-page news and was kind of a big deal. You know, there’s that famous saying and all?

So someone in history — some gluten-loving bread fanatic — must have felt the way I did when you launched your AI DJ recently (here in Australia). It was a moment of, “Damn, Spotify just revolutionized my beats.” And, guess what? I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

Just to clue the rest of our audience in here who may have missed this: Spotify’s AI DJ is like that friend who knows precisely what tune will cure your Monday blues or hype your Friday arvo. This digital maestro marries Spotify’s personalization algorithms, with the brainpower of OpenAI’s generative AI tech, and finishes it off with a sultry voice model based on none other than Spotify’s Head of Cultural Partnerships, Xavier “X” Jernigan.

Still, like a good mixtape, there’s always that one track we’re a bit iffy about. And Spotify, your AI DJ has its ‘iffy’ moments. So, here are a few (unsolicited) suggestions.

Say my name, say my name



Clayton Moulynox
The Generator

Experience-based commentary on startups, tech, biz & life. Consults & invests @ & Ex-Microsoft, Ex-startup unicorn