First Hands-On With Google’s New Gemini Ultra

How does it compare to ChatGPT and GPT-4?

Thomas Smith
The Generator


All screenshots by the author

Yesterday, Google took a massive step forward for the generative AI world by releasing Gemini Ultra, the company’s most powerful chatbot ever.

Gemini is the company’s much-anticipated response to ChatGPT and OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, which was the industry leader to this point.

Based on my early testing, Gemini Ultra matches or exceeds GPT-4’s performance. In particular, there’s one thing that Gemini Ultra does way better than ChatGPT.

Gemini’s release is Google’s biggest AI move in at least a year, and Gemini is now ChatGPT’s only true competitor.

On their official launch page, Google provides three examples of the new things Gemini Ultra can do. I decided to test the model’s performance by trying each of those things.

Here are the results from my first hands-on tests of Gemini Ultra and Google’s new Gemini Advanced platform.

A Personal Tutor

Google writes that Gemini “can be your personal tutor — creating step-by-step instructions, sample quizzes or back-and-forth discussions tailored to your learning style.”

I’m a professional photographer, and I often teach photography courses. I…

