Google Bard’s New Visual Feature is a Game Changer

Chatbots can officially see the world

Thomas Smith
The Generator


Photos by the author

Google just released a new feature for its Bard chatbot that catapults the Bard miles ahead of ChatGPT.

The feature was quietly included in a list of additions to Bard released this morning, and very few people seem to have noticed it so far. But it’s a total game-changer.

What is this new feature? The ability to accept images, in addition to text, as a prompt.

That’s right; Bard is now officially multimodal! I’ve been testing the new system since it was released this morning, and I’m already amazed by some of the things it can do.

Here are a few of the experiments I’ve run so far today.

Diagnosing a plant problem

My AeroGarden hydroponic garden sits on the countertop in my house. You might think that would mean it would never have bugs on it, but you’d be wrong.

For some reason, my basil seems to constantly attract aphids. The first time I saw them, I had no idea what they were, and I had to do a lot of searching on the Internet to figure it out.

This morning, when I realized my basil had aphids on it again, I wondered if Bard could diagnose the problem. I gave Bard a simple…

