Google’s Generative AI Search: An Evolution, Not the End, of Blogging

Here is my take as a full-time blogger

Christopher Kokoski
The Generator


Google’s Generative AI Search: An Evolution, Not the End, of Blogging
Image by the Author using DALL-E and Canva

The digital landscape is always evolving, with search engine giant Google often leading the charge.

The recent unveiling of Google’s generative AI search technology is the latest example. This transformative technology has raised serious and sometimes troubling questions and concerns within the blogging community.

Experts that I highly respect anticipate up to a 50% drop in traffic.

That’s honestly terrifying when monetized traffic pays your bills. In this article, we’ll delve into what this new technology is, how it works, and its potential impact on blogging.

Understanding Google’s Generative AI Search

Generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence capable of creating content, such as text, images, and music.

Google’s new search system leverages this powerful technology to deliver more accurate and comprehensive search results directly. Instead of providing links to external sources, the AI generates answers to user queries in real time.

It’s like ChatGPT in your search engine.

How Does Generative AI Search Work?

This innovative technology works by utilizing machine learning models, like the ones seen in Google’s recent versions of language models like BERT, to comprehend the intricacies of human language.

The AI is trained on an extensive database of internet content, which it uses to generate a relevant response to a user’s search query.

This is why many bloggers are terrified that browsers will get the answers they need right in search and never need to read full articles (meaning, lower traffic).

The Impact on Blogging: Challenges and Opportunities

Generative AI search is likely to impact blogging in many ways. Let’s explore a few of the most compelling of these impacts.

Shifting Traffic Patterns

With generative AI search technology, Google can answer more specific queries directly on the search results page, potentially reducing the need for users to click on blog posts for answers.

This shift could lead to a drop in traffic for blogs, particularly those that deal with simple queries and topics.

The Survival of In-Depth Content

However, not all is lost for bloggers.

There is still significant value in comprehensive articles, guides, reviews, and personal experiences that AI cannot replicate. While short and straightforward answers can be handled by AI, complex and subjective topics require a human touch.

More on this in a moment.

The New Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

Google’s SERP may also change, with blog posts possibly being pushed further down.

While this may reduce the visibility of some blogs, others might find new opportunities. Those that offer unique, high-quality content will continue to thrive, even in this evolving landscape.

Especially integrating images and videos into your content.

Predicting the Future: Generative AI and Blogging

Historically, each major change in Google’s algorithm and technology has been accompanied by shifts in web traffic and SEO strategies.

While some websites may experience a decline in traffic due to this new search method, others may find new opportunities to capture new audiences.

As search queries become more conversational and nuanced with voice search and generative AI, bloggers should focus on creating content that addresses complex topics and provides comprehensive, in-depth analysis.

Tips for Bloggers to Adapt

Given the new reality of Google’s generative AI search, here are some specific strategies for bloggers to stay ahead of the curve:

  1. Focus on Quality. In-depth articles, guides, and reviews that offer substantial value will continue to be relevant. The key is to provide content that is unique and cannot be synthesized by AI.
  2. Use Conversational Language. As the AI understands natural language better, focus on making your content more conversational to match the evolving search patterns.
  3. Leverage Personal Experiences. AI lacks personal experiences and emotional understanding. Incorporating these elements into your posts will almost always enhance their appeal.
  4. Utilize Data and Research. AI may struggle to interpret complex data and research. Content that includes detailed analysis could be more attractive to users looking for comprehensive information.
  5. Understand Your Audience. Knowing what your audience is searching for and providing relevant content is crucial. Understand the changing search patterns and adapt your content accordingly.

The Significance of Specificity in Blogging

With Google’s generative AI search now capable of providing specific answers to highly specific queries, we bloggers must rethink its content strategies.

It’s imperative.

One powerful method for remaining competitive in this new landscape is to cover specific details, angles, and subtopics related to the main topic in your blog posts.

This strategy capitalizes on the nature of long-tail keywords.

Improving Search Engine Rankings with Detailed Search Phrases

Long-tail keywords are precise and usually consist of several words. They are typically used by visitors when they know what they want, are closer to making a purchase, or when they are making a voice search.

These keywords can be highly beneficial for your blog’s SEO performance.

Google’s AI may be adept at answering common questions, but it’s the intricate, specific details that it might struggle with.

When you cover a topic comprehensively, addressing every possible angle and detail, you create multiple opportunities for your blog to appear in search results for related long-tail keywords.

Detailed Content Offers Better User Value

In-depth articles that cover various subtopics offer more value to the reader.

They provide a one-stop solution for users looking for comprehensive information on a topic. Google recognizes this and tends to rank these pages higher.

A blog post covering multiple aspects of a topic will likely outperform AI-generated responses, offering the depth and detail that AI currently lacks.

Increased Relevance and Visibility

By extensively covering a topic, you’re not only offering valuable content to your readers but also making your blog more relevant to a wider range of search queries.

This increases the chances of your blog appearing in search results, hence boosting your blog’s visibility.

More Opportunities for Audience Engagement

Detailed and specific content presents more opportunities for engaging with your audience.

By covering various subtopics, you’re more likely to answer reader questions, prompting comments, shares, and further engagement.

Shaping Your Strategy

With this in mind, your blogging strategy should involve a thorough understanding of your main topic and all its related aspects.

Use keyword research tools (like Ahrefs, Deapmarket, etc) to discover long-tail keywords related to your main topic and create content that answers these specific queries.

Remember, the key is to offer value that can’t be easily synthesized by AI.

Embrace this changing digital landscape as an opportunity to delve deeper into your topics, providing your audience with detailed and valuable content.

After all, the goal of blogging is to inform, engage, and build a relationship with your audience, something that AI, in all its advancement, can’t replace.

At least, not yet.

The Big Takeaway

Google’s generative AI search is not a death sentence for blogging but a call for evolution.

While it poses some challenges, it also offers an opportunity for bloggers to improve the quality and depth of their content. It’s an exciting time in the world of digital content, and those willing to adapt and evolve will undoubtedly come out on top.



Christopher Kokoski
The Generator

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