How I Built WritingGPT, a Fully Automated AI Writing Team

It writes articles that rank on Google for about $1 each

Thomas Smith
The Generator


Illustration by the author with AI

ChatGPT is a massive leap forward in the AI creation of human-like writing. But when you ask the system to write an entire blog post or article, it often generates generic drivel or meanders off on bizarre tangents.

As a professional writer with several niche sites — as well as an AI professional and OpenAI Beta tester — I’ve spent the last several years experimenting with AI writing. Although ChatGPT is a neat system, it never really met my needs for creating readable, useful articles.

Recently, though, two things changed that:

  • The release of the GPT-4 API
  • The emergence of AutoGPTs — AI agents that combine AI systems together in chains, improving their output by having the AI systems work together

I received access to the GPT-4 API (it’s currently available by invitation only) in March 2023, and immediately set about putting it to use in creating useful AI-written content.

The result is a new Beta system that I call WritingGPT. It’s a custom-developed Python program that uses Open AI’s GPT-4 to simulate an entire writing team, crafting high-quality blog posts based only on a prompt and a target…

