How To Protect Your Writing From ChatGPT and Other AI Bots

Here’s why you need to and I promise, it’s not hard or scary

Linda Caroll
The Generator


woman with digital symbols reflected on her face by cottonbro studio on

We all know it’s not okay to take someone’s writing without permission. Like the guy who read one of my pieces, then copy and pasted it to Vocal without changing a word or even the spacing. Only thing he changed was my name. Listed himself as the author. We all know that’s not okay.

But what if the thief wasn’t claiming your writing as their own? What if someone just collected a bunch of writing, removed the author names and used all the purloined prose to create a product for sale. Is that okay?

We all know that’s not okay. My writing isn’t up for grabs for anyone to do whatever they want with. Neither is yours. That’s the basic concept behind copyright laws. I own the copyright to my words, and you own yours.

Your writing is your intellectual property. No one gets to say what it’s used for except you. Unless you give permission.

Problem is, there are people in this world who don’t care about laws or copyright. Don’t care about consent or legality. Take what they want and deal with the repercussions later.

Most people don’t realize the outrageous volume of words it takes to train AI programs like ChatGPT or Claude…



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