How To Protect Yourself Against Deepfakes

An Emerging Threat Of AI-Enabled Scams

Paul DelSignore
The Generator


made using DALL-E

Usually, when most people think about deepfakes, they think about videos that have been altered to impersonate the likeness of celebrities, but that would be a mistake.

A deepfake is synthetic media that has been digitally manipulated to capture someone’s likeness.

And that includes you and me.

And for some reason, it doesn’t seem to be getting the major attention it needs, at least not when compared to the fear of AGI or the coming robot apocalypse. but there is good reason why we should all be concerned about deepfakes today… right now.

The reason is that deepfakes have become easy to create (see below), and the AI technology behind them is increasingly accessible to virtually anyone with an imagination.

Stealing Your Likeness

I’m convinced that we are about to see an unprecedented amount of identity theft, scams, and fake news using this technology, and I don’t think we as a culture are prepared for it.

Just like AI voice scams are being used to clone the voice of a family member to get personal information or money, we will now see this with the use of video as well.



Paul DelSignore
The Generator

Ramblings on the intersection of technology and culture • Creative Technologist ::