The 19 tell-tale signs an article was written by AI

Avoid these AI cliches (or use them to detect AI writing in the wild)

Jim the AI Whisperer
The Generator


“Did AI write this sentence?” That’s become the question of this year. It’s probably our biggest conundrum since Hamlet got all indecisive while chatting to a hollowed out skull. It’s rolled together all our 21st century doubts and insecurities of Fake News, The Matrix, and misinformation.

If you’re reading content online in 2023, it’s a question you want answered. And if you’re writing content online in 2023 with the assistance of AI, it’s a question you perhaps don’t want answered. (For the record: I do write this blog. Last I checked, I’m a real human. Jiminy Cricket will vouch for me 🧚🏻‍♂️).

I call it the Pinocchio Paradox: Are writers “real humans”, or long-nosed liars?

AI writers are engaged in a cloak-and-dagger routine not dissimilar to Cold War espionage. Think about it: during those times, spies would pass coded messages, employ deception, and use the technology of their era to get the upper hand. Now, our “espionage” is the realm of information and content creation. It’s a Turing Test where some copywriters are assuming false identities and trying to conceal whether AI had a hand in their content.

This digital shadow realm is like a spy-game where creators and consumers need to be discerning, questioning, and aware. With AI…



Jim the AI Whisperer
The Generator

🏆 7x Top Writer. AI Whisperer & Prompt Engineer. Writing about effective use of AI in copywriting, art, design, branding & games!