A green pike fish flying in the sky above an Asian woman with black hair, wearing orange glasses next to a yellow bus with two people at the sea. AI image created on MidJourney using the Style Reference (Sref) code “3658383517” by Henrique Centieiro and Bee Lee.
This AI image was created on MidJourney using the Style Reference (Sref) code “3658383517” by the author.

MidJourney V6 Deep-Dive Series

🏆 Top 10 MidJourney Style Reference (Sref) Codes for Stunning Illustrations You’ll Love!

Henrique Centieiro & Bee Lee
The Generator
Published in
11 min readSep 5, 2024


Hello, my friends! “Style Reference” is by far one of the most incredible features on MidJourney. With the newly released “Style Reference Codes” (sref codes) not long ago, you can now take your MidJourney creations to the next level!

Think of these “sref codes” as magic numbers that let MidJourney know the exact art style you want for your image — they allow you to easily create AI art with a consistent style, so you can say goodbye to lengthy, complicated prompts. 🪄🎨

As a MidJourney enthusiast for over two years, I’ve published more than 100 articles about MidJourney here on the Medium platform, diving deep into the “nitty-gritty” of this amazing AI tool. Since the sref codes were released, I have spent the last month testing over 500 sref codes for various styles of AI art on MidJourney. This extensive exploration has led me to discover many stunning styles that I had never encountered before.

Today, I’m excited to share the top 10 codes I’ve carefully selected specifically for illustrative art styles — I believe you’ll love them as…



Henrique Centieiro & Bee Lee
The Generator

👑8X Medium Top Writer | ✍🏻AI, Tech, Crypto, Money, Investing, Mindset | 🧠Be part of our Be Limitless community: https://www.skool.com/be-limitless-4003/about