Unconventional Business Idea #1 — brought to you by AI

Christina Diane Warner
The Generator
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2023


I am fascinated by the world of entrepreneurship and startups, driven by the notion of building something out of nothing. With the ongoing AI frenzy, I am curious about the possibilities of harnessing AI to uncover groundbreaking, unconventional concepts that have yet to be conceived.

So, heading over to our OG AI — ChatGPT. My prompt “You are an entrepreneur looking to build an AI-powered app that has the potential to generate substantial revenue. The idea is unconventional, niche, and not on the market yet.”

Interesting. As a German Shepherd dog owner myself (and a lifelong dog lover), I can see the appeal. So, how can we monetize it?

All great potential revenue streams. If anything, ChatGPT is a great platform to brainstorm revenue options for this and any other app ideas.

So, one last question. Why would people buy it?

If you are interested in the cross-section of Marketing and AI, subscribe to my publication, The Marketer’s Guide to the AI Galaxy.

