What Does It Mean To Regulate AI?

A look at regulatory approaches.

Paul DelSignore
The Generator


made by author in Midjourney

If I had a dollar for every time I heard that AI needs regulation, I could purchase Twitter back from Elon.

But seriously, any conversation about AI advancement will undoubtedly mention the need for regulation.

But what does that actually mean?

AI regulation refers to the process of creating and enforcing laws, policies, and guidelines that govern the development and use of AI.

But when you consider how Generative AI works, that is not as easy as it may sound. There are many layers to AI technology.

Consider a user-generated script that runs on plugins that connect to fine-tuned models, that connect to foundation models, that connect to datasets. In this scenario, where does a regulation policy of misinformation in a chatbot get applied?

Do you regulate the use of Large Language Models? The datasets they are trained on? The cloud hosting providers? the GPU providers? the product manufacturers? how about the kid that is running an AutoGPT from his basement?

Nevertheless, while we may not yet fully understand what exactly needs to be regulated, it does make sense to start having those discussions.



Paul DelSignore
The Generator

Ramblings on the intersection of technology and culture • Creative Technologist :: https://medium.com/@pdelsignore/membership