What if ChatGPT is a Fraud?

It probably isn’t. But what if it was? It’s happened before.

Clayton Moulynox
The Generator


Image: created by Author with MidJourney

Artificial intelligence. AI. Heard of it? Of course you have. It’s the omnipresent entity that’s wormed its way into our everyday lives. If it’s not telling us where to get the best avocado toast in town, it’s predicting what cheesy rom-com we’ll binge next (it’s always “Sleepless in Seattle”, by the way). But here’s the thing I’ve been thinking: what if, nestled among the abyss of algorithms and shiny user interfaces, there’s something far more… human?

Now, I’m not saying there’s a secret underground bunker filled with overworked, underpaid humans feverishly typing away to keep the AI dream alive. But I’m not not saying it either.

Picture this: every time you’ve ever asked ChatGPT for a recipe, advice on your sex life, or God forbid, how to pay less tax, it wasn’t the anonymous mechanical brain of an AI you were confiding in, but Sally from social services or John from accounting.

Unnerving? Absolutely. A Hilarious thought? Oh, you bet. Plausible? Well, in the immortal words of Mary Poppins, “Anything can happen if you let it.” I mean, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before…

This has happened before



Clayton Moulynox
The Generator

Experience-based commentary on startups, tech, biz & life. Consults & invests @ startupfoundationsbuilder.com & mxgrowth.com. Ex-Microsoft, Ex-startup unicorn