Alone Time Tips

Essentials that help in times of separation

Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution
4 min readMar 18, 2020


The Corona Virus has confined many to less space and contact. We’re all a bit like prisoners. And we can learn from them and other people who are good at being alone.

You can, of course, watch Super Heroes save the planet from dangers that don’t exist, watch Hallmark love stories of blissfully ignorant people, or series about people striving for idiot things that currently make little sense. I always had the feeling that many movies lacked some realism. Let’s see some superheroes fight real world corruption, sick systems, pollution and a virus. Until that time, here’s some essentials.

Four essential aspects for your mental health in these times:

1. Access self love and discipline to keep working on yourself.

Consider prisoners. Some study in prison and come out better like Nelson Mandela. Many took that time to study something, become lawyers themselves. Other came out as coaches for people with mental issues. Compare this to those who come out the same or worse. You are not a victim, you are a beautiful being with choices. Like a political prisoner, you may not know how long you’ll be in this situation. It’ll be too long for your liking; long enough to (re)shape yourself. Self love, giving yourself lots of heart is essential to keep believing it matters. You matter.

Also consider training Wim Hof method to strengthen your immunity system, if you have the discipline for it. Check out videos by him and about him.

2. Have clarity of mind.

“Worrying is praying to what you don’t want.”~said some guru. Worry is thinking in circles without anything achieved. Talk about worry. I’ll be broke very very soon. So I applied for help. And now we’ll see. I’m very calm about that. I have been in intensive care, with some people deeply worried. I might die. I was calm about that. Because the situation is as it is. Our mind can’t magically change reality. Only Trump and people who read ‘the Secret’ seem to think so. We can however become more attentive to possibilities or offers. So wonder about what action you can take, and what will help? And wonder, what it is you’ll just have to accept? Clarity is knowing the difference between the two. Training that clarity is wisdom.

From clarity you can also choose, when to act, when to react and when to start thinking ahead. When clear, you’ll become aware how many suffer from anxiety. When you can observe without freaking out you’re there. Meditation helps.

3. Have a purpose, or mission.

Many people are volunteering. A friend of mine has a car and drives shopping for those that can’t. I’m now listening to John Legend giving a life concert online, as his contribution. And I’m thinking and playing with ideas of what is possible, and writing about this. Beau of the fifth column, (get beyond your bias and listen to this guy) spoke about the sacrifice soldiers make to protect others. What sacrifice can you make? And a comedian proposed, hey, unlike getting shot at, you can help by being a couch potato. I say, rather be creative, make art, sing beneath balconies of old ladies, and or become a volunteer, caring the kids of nurses, do shopping. Take your time to discover your biggest talent*. Finally write that book! Or make your house beautiful, you’ll be there for a long time. This could even herald a golden age for arts and crafts.

If you can’t think of anything, there’s an avalanche of in house creativity on youtube, tiktok and others.

4. Believe in magic.

Yes, after all the realism, this too is essential. Watch the incredible beautiful actions of how people make it work around the world. It’ll be bad, very bad for many, losing friends and family. That is the reality of it. Still, magic can bring hope, extra and believe. (And I don’t mean lying to yourself and others will change reality, I mean creative magic, imagination as building block). Here’s a magical story to illustrate this point:

Virtual hugs and love, Floris

*) You can approach me on facebook to help you discover your biggest talent, if you haven’t found it yet. Due to my limits I offer this only as professional. Free tips you can google endlessly, so don’t get desperate on your own.



Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.