Is Hollywood poisoning the world?

A Call for More Movies that Matter.

Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution
7 min readDec 28, 2016


‘Man who stare at Goats’, great fun movie, but the deeper call for change of the real world people portrayed in the movie, wasn’t shown.

Great movies tell great stories. At best such movies make us feel human and help us gain insights about what we couldn’t see before. At worst these movies seem to be great popcorn distraction. Yet the question is, is that true? Might it be worse than that? Might it be, many movies (and the new television series too) weaken our resolve to make a difference? Distract us from real world issues, like Global Warming or State Corruption? Many great Hollywood actors are outspoken social activists. Yet somehow the Hollywood movies they’re in, aren’t.

The USA seems to have a political elite that seems to consciously weaken education, weaken social connections, reduce incomes so people have no space but to work, fear it’s population about immigrants, gives more and more power to the superrich. If that is true, how might they operate on the level of moviemaking? How might we be impacted by watching the mayor genres?

Awesome movie showing feminine leadership!

Disclaimer: I know many moviemakers try to make great movies, may not see implications on these impacts on a deeper level, or even seek to make movies that counter the effects of what I’ll pose down below.

(re-edit 2017) Also many actors have their heart in the right place. This speech by Meryl Streep touched me very much. So I had to include it in this post. There’s more sides to everything. And it’s good to think, that humanity is humans doing their best. It’s systems, dominant mindsets and beliefs and a few conscious manipulators that can make many contribute to a wrong. Hope you consider your own point on this.

I just want to question why there are so little art film movies with their story lines made for the bigger audience? Before you think conspiracy theory, (though if you google CIA influence on Hollywood there’s a little bit too much to stay comfortable) I wonder, is it just money, just popular success formula’s, just money, or is there more to it? For now, let’s look how the mayor Hollywood genre’s may impact audiences..

Can you believe you’re a super hero too?

Super Hero Movies: Bigger than life heroes, who can do everything.

In the super hero genre normal people are sheep to be either threatened by mayor evil dudes and then saved by bigger than life heroes. They just run around squealing for help. The question is: is this subconsciously disempowering people? The dangers are always mighty evil people with evil plans. No super hero fights Global Warming, fights political corruption at the highest levels, or confronts the lack of morality in the super rich elite? Nor do they solve dangers like the lead poisoning in Flint and many other American towns, let alone world hunger. Why aren’t these issues addressed by real world heroes? Why don’t Hollywood movies educate us to help make the difference in these issues? What purpose has all that distraction?

If one of these people just maybe might be a terrorist, should we dehumanize all the others?

Terrorist Action movies: There’s evil out to get us.

Well if you hear this former CIA agent talk (beautifully) about dealing with terrorists, you become aware there is very, very few bad guys. Why do we in terrorist movies never see the thousands of non violent refugees as well? We are mostly people trying to the right thing in our own eyes, do what we can or feel has to be done, like fleeing an impossible situation. Might it be that the real bad people, are those that instigate reasons for war, attacks and control over others? People who wear suits and ties and speak in rational tone of reasons for inhuman actions? And how can we ever think that killing the bad guy(s) resolves the real issues? Why is it never about the system being broken, among all levels?

Are these people gangsters out of evil, or because of poverty and lack of opportunity?

Action Movies: The good guys may use every force necessary.

Once again listen to the former CIA agent. There’s small groups fighting mayor powers (USA Empire, Western Corporations) taking away rights, safety, resources from smaller nations and peoples across the world. And this while the action movies keep telling the Western audiences: to get the evil guys (those small groups of rebels now called terrorists or aliens) all violence is acceptable. So often we see heroes act where normal people stick to the rules. So may it be, that these movies make violence against perceived enemies acceptable and normal?

Vaclav Havel, on the anxiety paradox.

Comedies: Anxiety makes you look bad.

Another way to disempower yourself is watching comedies, from students seeking first sex to romantic comedies. All of these films are fun of anxious people making all the wrong choices, right up until the end, when they live their moment of truth and get rewarded. Could it be that seeing people being anxious whole movies long, makes you dare less to act rather than more? Should we not live less fearful of other peoples opinion? And though that seems the moral of all these movies, might it be that the hourlong impregnation of people acting silly that makes you seek to avoid such embarrassment?

No much has really changed. What a commie this guy must have been. ;)

Scoundrel Movies: Small crooks getting away with it.

Yes, sometimes heist criminals get away with it. Lovely small unexpected ragtag bands of simple heroes succeed at stealing from the banks, or other crooks. Might it be, that this is just releasing pressure and steam of the deeper tension? We are being screwed by banks & an elite. Yet, these films never address the real issue, just speak to the sentiments for a brief moment. Might it be we need more movies that show scoundrels exposing corruption and ending careers of real world crooks in politics? Or really make a difference for everyone. Wasn’t Hollywood into bigger is better? Here’s your opportunity.

Perhaps we need more romance about love for life and how to live it. (pic: ‘As it is in Heaven’)

Romantic Comedies: Finding the one is what’s it all about.

Whatever you do in and for the world, the final reward is ‘the one’ saying ‘yes’ to your advances and everything falls together. Research already established romantic comedies make people think relationships are easy after the ‘yes’. I know movies need a nice resolve at the end, and I love good endings also better. But making all other things in life trivial compared to this one moment, what is doing that to us? Do they diminish causes people stand up for, to the success moments needed to get the one?

This is real world horror, yet heroes like this woman aren’t seen. Protesters, who’d want to identify with them?

Horror: Be glad nobody is coming for you!

Once you believe there’s evil out there out to get you, you should be happy it isn’t directed at you. Now why would these movies then be so popular and so many being made? Could it be that people live to safe and feel to little? That these movies on the one hand, give them emotional impacts they so miss in dreary lives and jobs? And on the other make them on a deeper level avoid danger? If never heard horror made you braver, smarter, care deeper for the world. At best it’s distraction, at worst it stops you from caring.

And hey, killing Zombies/Monsters/Evil Killers is okay, because they’re not human anyway. Dehumanizing other people is the first step propaganda takes to make killing such others acceptable; that’s how the Nazi’s developed their whole anti Jew rhetorics.

Real confrontations between new ideas and damaging system are being avoided.

The Call for More Movies That Matter!

Where are nuanced stories like ‘One flew over the Cuckoos nest’ that show how repressive systems, even with good intentions can be? Where are movies like ‘Apocalypse Now’, that show the complex madness behind wars on all sides? Where are stories like ‘Erin Brockovich’ showing how normal people can make a difference? Where’s stories where people really change the whole system? ‘Twelve years a slave’ may show how bad slavery was, deeper movies tell about the long fight on so many levels that took to end it. Where’s way more movies like ‘Gandhi’ telling us humble men can change a country? I know they are there, but I really think we need much more of those! Hollywood take action.

Check this earlier post ‘A New Story’ that talks about the same theme, yet offers some very alternative stories concepts that haven’t been shown (enough) in the movies yet.

Just thinking.

Oh, and Hollywood, if you look for a story consultant, well, this would be my start.



Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.