New Words.

Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution


New words helping you see or become aware of new perspectives.

Sometimes I work as word smith, both on request, or at my own initiative. I love how new words can help to see or understand things you couldn’t before. Here are a few new words and terms that might help you see new possibilities or ways to look at things. Most are of my own hand, others have been invented by people in my circles. At the end some tips to find your new job title.

New Social Technologies

The zoöp: a new form of organization in which humans and non-humans become joint owners and collaborators within a co-operation. Word coined by Klaas Kuitenbrouwer of ‘het nieuwe instituut’.

Zubuntu: an iteration of Ubuntu (I am because we are), I am because (all other) life is. Believe you’re an individual? Hold your breath. Try doing without the oxygen provided by nature for a few minutes. You can’t even survive several minutes without oxygen, let alone biological food and clean water. We need our whole system, planet earth, alive and well, to live.

Gaudi Factor: The immense worth of useless art. It’s the amazing extra that makes people travel thousands of miles to come and see. Gaudi’s colorful nonsense art brings yearly more value to Barcelona that many commercial project developers. Same for the Eiffel tower. What is the Gaudi Factor of your town?

Human Cloud: I think the word cloud, for the human swarm is better than herd, flock, school, or swarm. Herds and Flocks tend to be used for docile groups who are manipulated. Swarms can be as ravaging as lynching parties or grasshopper plagues. A school of humans instead of fish seems too educational. The human cloud is peaceful and points to collective intelligence or knowledge. It brings what’s in the air (online) back to earth, like a healthy rain.

Swarm Technology: also ‘Intelligent Ant Design: Conscious use of co-creative crowd behavior, without hierarchical leadership. Tools and ‘understanding of’ to help you being able to stimulate and incite self organization (but never control it!).

Play Design: Developing ideas by making them directly experiential in the ‘here and now’. Innovation as children play improve their games.

Weak Linking: Connecting 2 people who hardly know each other, but who’s meeting up, will profit both. It’s you helping the whole.

Social Surplus: Any extra effort, time, expertise or stuff people have and are willing to give to others to help them live and or develop. (coined, I think, by Nils Roemen)

Reader Edit: How a reader can edit the text while reading by skipping certain parts and investigating others deeper. The writer made this more easy by conscious choice of font styles, like Italic as less important, or colors or side bars.

Indirect Learning: Building unconscious expertise through focus on something enjoyable. For example: rather than learn a language through boring exercises, you do it through online gaming in this language or doing experiments. You gain the insights you need, without ever having them at the centre of your attention.

On Being Human

Possibility Rush: The awesome moment when new ideas tumble over one other and everything seems possible. Also the rush of being surrounded by many great ideas and people all in a “Yes, yes, yes, and also”, attitude.

Mysteriography: A biography of someone’s life changing, spiritual magical unexplainable events and dreams, of which they rarely speak, or not at all.(coined by Jan Vaessen)

Heartmind: Thinking and decision making in which the heart or inner voice is included. Compare this with mental rationality, it all seems logical, yet any connection with empathy is missing.

Arrogance Loop. The loop of over expanding your reach en getting toned down again. This happens people are so rich or powerful, or spoiled kids get so much space, that they think they get away with everything and start to live like it. It’s only when lines are clearly drawn and consequences follow that they’ll tone down, until they found new ways to get away with it.

New Social Understanding

Logic Entropy. When you stack up logical decision upon logical decision you end up in madness. Example: Making school exams make sense. Training with tests for these exams makes sense. Thus learn testing early, as a lot rides on it. And somewhere we end up children being pressured into making tests in kindergarten.

It’s a Victory in Iraq (saying): Winning so that it creates a mess. Like you win the argument, but it ends the relationship. The victory of the USA in Iraq, 2004, left a way bigger mess behind than before their invasion (on false grounds even). You don’t want such victories when solving something with force.

Time Bomb Dilemma. Will we stop industrial sea fishing and destroy the eco systems of the sea, or will we stop it and make millions go hungry and or lose their job. The longer we don’t face this, and many global dilemma’s like it, the bigger the explosion when it all goes sour will be.

Logic Entropy. The idea of a test at the end of school makes sense. The preparing for that test makes sense too. Then testing in all other years makes sense too. Then training to be tested makes sense too. Then pressuring kids to do good at tests makes sense too. Then the testing starts to overshadow the real learning. Thus a crooked damaging culture has risen. And based upon this logic we develop new commercial apps to test even more, deeper, everywhere (hey sales!) and thus we sink in a swamp of disturbing life denying idiocy. Stapling ‘good’ ideas onto each other until all sense is gone.

Techno Sink is the word for scientific arrogance, and of rushed innovations without estimating the consequences enough, and the disasters that come of that. From the car, to the use of chemicals like Roundup and soon 5g and AI. All carried much hope and possibly and then the side effects started to endanger all life on our planet, let alone human civilization.

New understandings of Crime

Gericide: Mental mass murder on the elderly, by limiting their roles within society or pushing them out, at times even lock them up. And for sure don’t take them serious, even when they raise serious issues or show wisdom.

Organized Micro Theft: How big businesses, like telecom and banks, consciously make millions by overcharging us for penny’s, or getting interest by including pauses before they send money onwards.

Eco Criminal. Home killer. Planetary Piracy. All words for those who destroy the planet we live on for personal gain and profits. All those who willingly dispose poisons in the seas, falsify researches, sell damaging wares, allow destructive contracts to deadly corporations, etc. (words by others)

Ego Whining. Talking about your sufferings, troubles, successes even, always putting your ego in the spotlight, as if the world is only as big as you are. Using this a legitimate reason to have no empathy for others. (word by Coco Joans)

New Jobtitles

Play Designer: Innovator who develops ideas playfully throug hreal world experiences and experiments, rather than plan for weeks and then discover it’s back to the drawing board.

Process Alchemist: Someone who can do magic with facilitation of processes. Can design and host processes that feel fluid and natural and lead to great results for the client. Good at improv or changing course to need.

MercTroll (new media job): Mostly hackers and social media manipulators paid to commence online character assassination, with attacks, false news and website distortions. (Apparently Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign employed a few of these online mercenaries, that got a few Bernie Sanders facebook groups offline through pornographic postings and spamming.)

Community Cartographer (new media job): New media specialist who operates as node and maps and links people and ideas amidst info overload. Google Noomap, which is a great community cartographer tool in the making.

Network Detective (new media job): The one who seeks and finds out who fits a plan or is fun and approachable. Or finds out who was behind some nasty trolling and your nude pictures leak.

Good job titles, by the way, do several things:

  1. Others immediately understand what’s it about, yet makes them curious to have you tell more.Tell me, what does a Talent Phraser do?” “Well they are good Job Title Coaches for one…”
  2. It has a positive vibe to it and attracts the right clients. For I don’t think the Posh Mopper will get you cleaning work for the rich and famous.
  3. It serves as a kind of license to do what you want or love to do. In the ‘Free Role’ I’m free to meddle with everything, as long as enough others feel I add value.



Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.