Suddenly this German paper shows up fall 2019. Headline: “Protect Your Soul!” It so fits this call to act to help.

Prophecy: Protect the Seas Now!

The #metoo of Mother Earth’s Oceans

Floris Koot
10 min readJan 15, 2018


Last week I had three strong lucid dreams in one night, all connected. That I might dream about this kind of stuff is not crazy. I write about this on the Gentle Revolution blog. But the clarity and urgency was rare. Together they are a prophecy, a call for change. Last night I dreamed again, that this should be out. So here goes. A prophecy and call to change of, I’d almost say bigger than, Biblical proportions. Could be me just dreaming, but man it was loud.

#TimesUp for us all… on a global scale.

How we treat our women, how we treat nature, how we treat the poor and weak, how we treat our place in the whole. The story of ‘power over’ has to end. The story of ‘us working together because we are one’ has to begin.

These are our oceans. Our influence is everywhere to be found and not in a good way.

Dream One. ‘A Very Clear Message’

A voice tells me clearly. There’s more and more dead zones in the ocean. Lack of fish, means lack of an essential part of the life cycles of all life in the oceans. This is bringing our eco-system to a point of collapsing.

To stop what’s happening we need to act now:




This dream is a super clear message and flashes of sea, fishing ships, me feeling an urgency and me entering a conference room.

I can only add to this part, I think, and: stop those lobbies who sell continuation of this madness now.

Edit 2020: this news report totally confirms this dream, and this should be terrifying and governments around the world should start acting:

Dream Two. ‘Cleaning Up’

In this dream I see the face of a hedgehog with a face surrounded by astonishingly pure white fur. I call my sister to come over and have a look. It takes some times to convince her, because she can’t be bothered. Then when she finally comes the hedgehog has changed position and now just looks like a more normal one. My sister leaves uninterested and I see the hedgehog drop to the floor and trying to scurry away. Something sticks to its back. It’s dirty clothing. There’s a ripped nylon panties with dried blood on the crotch and a T-shirt so dirty I don’t want to know what it is. While my stomach cringes I liberate the animal from its unwanted attachments and it scurries away between legs of chairs into some bushes.


I once followed a dream education. The first part of a dream is how things are. Clearly we are in a mess and should start doing something. Given the message it’s very clear what.

The second part often shows what’ll happen when you continue on the current path. A pure white hedgehog gets stuck in our dirty clothes. The pure, seemingly untouchable, gets contaminated anyway with our discarded filth and many, like my sister can hardly be bothered. For this two things are essential. Us waking up and actually see the incredible pureness of nature. Us being able to show this to others, that might only observe nature as a given, ignoring the pure wonder within. Thus we must take action. But if we only take away the dirt, the problem isn’t solved. That would be like the Dutch expression, ‘mopping the floor with the tap open.’ I, or we, can clean up, but if the system doesn’t change, the problem stays the same.

Dream Three. ‘Go through the boundary!’

I’m with a group of regular people in a desert. We are getting a talk by a Native American. There’s also a woman beating the drums and and another guy riding a horse around us. Their clothing has some Native American aspects, but not very ceremonial. The guy giving the talk wears a white baseball cap and blueish baseball jacket. We’re in the middle of a desert like surrounding with nothing much in sight. While I look around and wonder about their culture, I suddenly feel I don’t understand it really. I sense the guide is teaching us something. “Go through the boundary!” he implores us, “Go through the boundary! Go trough the boundaries!” I wonder what boundaries, for I don’t see any. Yet I realize he is saying something mightily important. And I wake up wishing I had stayed longer in the dream to hear more of what he had been talking about.


The third part shows what can be done. ‘Go through the boundaries’ in a place where there aren’t any. I wondered about this and then saw it. Exactly. We must see that all is one. We must treat all around us as connected and go through our own boundaries; the boundaries created in our heads, within our cultures and between states. We can’t solve this problem within our current mindset and convictions.

“We are here to awaken from the illusion of separateness.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh


There is no discarding of waste to somewhere else. Imagine a school class with a big tub of water in the middle, with in it some fish. Now ask the children to take care of the fish and daily drink from the water, yet also throw in their rubbish and plastic waste. How long before they’ll refuse, before they get sick and or the fish in it die? That’s were we are at. And even more true, we live in that tub, are part of it. It all is coming back to us in the following stages. First we get sick and see rising cases of cancer and such. Then we lose food and clean water and will have to deal with mass starvation of animals and people. Finally the oxygen becomes less, because the oceans are dead. And all of these processes are happening now(1).

Watch how interconnected everything is, and how nature can restore itself when we trust it.


STOP INDUSTRIAL FISHING NOW: Sorry for the loss of jobs, loss of investments, but the health of our planet comes first. With huge investments we can create alternative food sources replacing fish on the menu. Small regional traditional fishing boats will still be allowed, up to a fleet of a certain number.

STOP FISH AND BIO INDUSTRY: The use of antibiotics and other polluting practices must be stopped. The dead zones in the oceans are produced by the nutrient run off from our farm lands. Food production should be organic, totally recyclable and preferably adding to the health of the planet. This TED talk shows how feasible that is.

STOP MASS PRODUCTION OF ALL NON DEGRADABLE PLASTICS. There’s enough plastics to go around for thousands of years. Harvest it from the oceans, don’t produce more. Every aspect of plastic has to be scrutinized. Even casual littering should feel offensive to people and planet and fined!

And (my tips),

START A GLOBAL “SAVE THE OCEANS” FUND RUN BY THE UNITED NATIONS. Use it to start a Global Clean up of the oceans, and create a regulations force protecting the oceans. Start some large corporations that take plastics out of the oceans for reuse, or even turning it back into oil.

“If the weather machine were to be wound up to such new levels of energy, no country would remain unaffected … Action now is seen as the only safe insurance.” ~ Shell Oil Company, 1991.

CREATE AND UPHOLD LAWS THAT RECOGNIZE CRIMES AGAINST NATURE. Industrial interests should not take precedence over the interest and health of the whole. The current laws are made for a different age. Our industries still operate within the realities of a century ago. Corporations, and the politicians they buy, protect financial interests more than they protect our common future(2). To allow lobbyists to protect the industrial fishing industry, while endangering life on the planet is madness. To allow industries to keep on mass producing nylon clothing, while it’s clear that nano fibers from that clothing is already present in most fish in the whole ocean, is downright negligence or complicity to crime. The same goes for the rise of estrogen and antibiotics in our environment.

If these industries were so damned clever they could have changed long ago. Brazen oil industries are currently pushing Trump to allow drilling in nature reserves and along the coast. They could and should(have) spend the same energy on going green and being the motors of green energy innovation. Shell has known for decades how polluting they were and done nothing. There has to be a price for that. You must be mad to continue a unhealthy path when you know there’s plenty alternatives possible. We need to see, consciously acting in a way that damages the planet as a whole is a crime.

“Business Leaders, who consciously invest in projects that hurt people and planet, don’t need more money. They need therapy.”

EVERYONE SHOULD INVEST IN WAY LESS PACKAGING. The current packaging culture is a disaster. Shops should invest in alternatives. Citizens should demand lesser packaging in stores. How come all these one person portions are considered normal? Why can’t I bring my own jars and bottles and refill at stores with jam, juice, milk, etc?

THIS REALITY SHOULD HAVE DAILY UPDATES IN THE NEWS EVERYWHERE. Tell us, what are we doing and what aren’t we doing? This is way more important than Trumps latest tweets or the profits of Exxon Mobil. And if there were daily updates in the media, sure enough politicians and businesses would have to act and show and tell. Not reporting this enough means terrorizing our future.

SUPPORT ALL MOVES TOWARDS A CIRCULAR OR CRADLE TO CRADLE ECONOMY(3). It’s not only about the fish. Industrial farming and the loss of top soil have about an equal negative effect as all industry around fossil fuels in its contribution to atmospheric carbon. So start helping. Invest green. Buy environmental friendly. Study circular economy, study creating regenerative cultures, make your city a transition town, and whatever more is feasible for you. Wonder loudly why the news isn’t daily giving it some attention. And as companies, change, change loud and green and get on the news as frontrunner who acts. And if you are an oil industry, rebrand yourself as energy supplier and go green. Your own grand children will be grateful.



My heart says it. Your heart probably feels it. Humanity cries, nature cries, start helping to heal the whole. Now you may wonder. How will we feed the world when these mega food giants stop, and or deal with the disappearance of convenient plastics? Those are important questions.

One. Change can happen fast. After Pearl Harbour in 1941 the American economy switched within three months to a war economy. Our oceans have been bombed with plastics, antibiotics and poisons long enough. But rather than produce food smarter the big corporations always chose chopping more forests for bigger, more & mono-cultures. We should consider ourselves attacked. A global Pearl Harbour is happening and we haven’t yet start stopping the bombing. If you were waiting for a sign to start, this is it.

Two. The billionaires & the Big Corporations have money enough to invest in totally safe, nature enriching green. Forests must be replanted. Millions of poor should get small organic farms, permaculture driven. Cities must build food gardens on their rooftops, start vertical farming. We have the technology to make them self sufficient, while business still prefer to keep on bringing in massive amounts of goods from the outside. The technology is there, the knowledge is there, only the will is missing. The big dinosaurs of companies either must go extinct, or change for the needs of our planet. Only in a flourishing world, with a healthy nature and people invested and connected to nature lies real enduring profit. All other profits are bubbles that will burst, sooner or later, right in our faces, or almost certainly that of our children.

Three. Just consider the incredible amount of jobs that would be created when the whole system will be replaced for a circular economy, one that helps nature to flourish and people to fly.

Four. We must change our diets to what the world can handle, not what we can pay for. And if you can diet, change life style than so should we all be able to.

We are in this together. Think what is possible when we’d see and act on that. Our future depends on it.


What should economy do? Why changing may be difficult given our inner animal? Why and how to start shifting to new paradigms. How to embrace the chaos of change. and find thousands other sites of people doing something, changing something or making similar calls for change. If you like any of the tips, just google yourself to an activity near you you can join, or find a global idea, you’d be willing to help implement or even invest in.


  1. The whole discussion whether climate change is real, isn’t essential. What is essential is that acting in a damaging way for the natural eco-systems that took millions of years to balance out is stupid, dangerous and ignorant. Dead zones in ocean scream for action. And the voices that claim science is lying, are protecting (financial) interests, not the truth. Which might be a crime against humanity and the planet.
  2. And any company suing governments for lost investments over such actions should lose that money. They could have known years ago, and like Shell most likely did, that investing without care for the planet, might come back to haunt them. We need to create and uphold laws that prohibit to lie about side effects and impacts on nature, or lobby for damaging practices and wares. Create and uphold laws that stop destructive industries and even governments. And people’s cases against their governments should be taken seriously.
  3. Any business leader using the excuse for their practices, “Because this is what customers want,” is lying. Millions, like many Walmart customers, are very poor and have no choice to buy cheap. Millions are badly educated and watch fake news, or news that doesn’t pay attention to the wider scope. These business leaders are worse than the Germans after WWII claiming, “We didn’t know.” They say “We don’t want to take responsibility, even knowing we should.” and “Orders (from the market) are orders.” We know how that ended.



Floris Koot

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.