Glossies can’t smooth over dark realities. Nor can attack adds (like this one) stop Maga. (Cartoon made with AI by author)

The Belly of the Beast

The Real Face of Fascism and How to Address It.

Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution
10 min readJun 18, 2024


The beast is coming and it’ll be very hard to tame it in time.

Fascism, let alone a far right take over, seems to be happening in many countries. Why does it seem unstoppable at the moment?

Understand it’s not political ideology that’s winning. It’s new robbers taking what they feel they deserve from those who they blame for their shortages. And those who are blamed are not the real culprits, it’s another underclass you can easily point at. People love blaming others and grabbing what they can, when anxious. Anxiety is driving this rise more than anything else. This is just another run on toilet rolls, only now the run is for everything at the cost of anyone blamed to be in the way.

The beast is coming and too few truly try to tame it. Fighting, ridiculing, ignoring the beast only makes it stronger. For too few see the nature of the beast for what it is.

“Forgive them, Lord, for they don’t know what they are doing.” ~ Jesus

This article is a follow up of my 2018 ‘Descend into Fascism’. All warnings of it seem to unfold and matters are worse now than ever. These warnings be:

A country where industrial interests fund their political benefactors cannot stay sane for long. A country where the media is divided in (fake) political ideologies cannot stay sane for long. A country where the media talks in talking points, not critical observations of reality cannot stay sane for long. A country where a large part of the people feel ignored, stamped on and robbed cannot stay sane for long. A country where new gangsters dress up as politicians facing the old gangsters cannot stay sane for long. Such a country is very likely to surrender to a new violent elite, fascist in nature, robbers in reality*.

*) The Nazi elite turned out to be little more than art thieves in the end, while they kept pretending there was an ideology. They rather were just robbing Jews and Europe for all they could take. And they drove their own people to get killed on battle fields to get it. So know this: anyone taking up a gun for an ideology is serving gangsters who use you for their own interests. This insight is always believed way too late, rather even in hindsight denied: sunk cost fallacy.

The Sparks That Lit the Fire

Trump saw dictators getting away with it. He loves to be like them. And they love to support Trump. They like Trump better than an America with integrity, let alone one pretending to have integrity. Trump showed the world, it’s okay to blatantly lie to get elected, it’s okay to only serve your own crowd. Many other leaders like him saw that Trump’s trick of blatantly lying worked and went for it. Yet why would so many people follow such self serving leaders? Is the lie, ‘I do this for you!’ enough? Let’s take a look in the belly of the beast.

Fascism is NOT about Ideology, It’s the Belly of the Beast

The first thing to understand is that it’s NOT a political rise. Politics is just the means of grabbing power used. The (white, or Hindu, or Christian, or..) poor underclass has felt robbed for a long time now. This gives an unease. They have been told they’re the heart of the nation, yet they have less and less. So, once again, the victimhood trauma strikes again. “Now is our time to get everything.” And some are eager to point fingers on who to blame.

And with capitalism getting close to the monopoly end game, the financial bosses can choose who to fund, who to support to further their own interests.

So, as we see in the USA, many who feel they’ll benefit to be part of the new regime, help to make it happen. They are, just like the art robbing nazi’s, robbers that hide their motivations behind an ideology full of promises and blaming others.

Yet why do so many people drawn to it? They feel they’ve been robbed for a long time. They feel they have a right to take, for they’ve seen others taking for too long. And much of the rhetoric is now focussed more and more on blaming others, and making them look so bad, that acting violently against them seems the ‘reasonable civilised’ thing to do. They are beyond listening to arguments. They are instigating themselves and others to lose all hesitation and shame for what they’re about to do.

The Real Thieves Are Preparing an Even Bigger Heist

And here’s the thing. In a way, they are right. They have been robbed for too long. Only, very important, they’ve not been robbed by those who are blamed. The Muslims in India haven’t robbed the Hindus. The coloured immigrants in the USA have not robbed the white Americans. It’s the often liberal elites with their gentle smiling faces that consciously have been widening the wealth gaps over time. They just couldn’t help themselves. And they’ve been hollowing out the middle class that worked as a buffer against rising underclasses. The descend of the USA into a third world country is too blame. The industries corrupting politics for decades are to blame. The politicians benefitting from all these (legal) bribes are to blame. And these self enriching elites now see that by stoking people with lies, they’ll even can win bigger than ever before.

The Fear of Socialism Makes Intelligent Approaches Impossible

And now the (far) right and years of paranoia about socialism comes back to bite the USA. They can’t have universal healthcare. They can’t have free education. They can’t have cheap public transport. They can’t have a government working for the people. That’s all seen as dangerous leftish. Thus the only way open to get what you need is by taking it. Getting rich is not only an anxiety, eh life goal, of many Americans, it’s a necessity to get by. And more and more the pressure of unfair low incomes have eroded patience with many people. So if the solution can’t be ‘radical left’ fair wages, then it must be taking it, by force if necessary.

This is the belly of the beast.

The Very Rich Are Funding Their Own Demise.

Why do the very rich fund their own demise? Who are investing in people like Trump, Modi, Natenyahu, Orban and all other (potential) dictators?

“There’s always enough for the needy, but never enough for the greedy.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Firstly the rich only want to get richer. It’s a biological urge driven by anxiety to lose everything. It helped us survive prehistoric times. Now it’s, especially for the very rich a lie. Yet we see billionaires, like the Koch brothers, up to their death investing in gaining more and more. Not out of reason, but out of a deeper drive of a black hole in their psyche. Thus they fund whats helps them getting richer, stay in power, and bend the rules to their own benefit. They’d rather have a dictator as leader than having to pay taxes. The very rich who make fascism run smoothly may benefit, yet most won’t benefit.

And what do they win? Firstly the country will become a bigger violent mess, where certain view points will be dangerous. Millionaire clubs will have to accept new members of the new elite, who’ll take the right to enter their territory. Then many rich will be taken down eventually. They have been, or are seen as, robbers and the new robbers want what they have. And when in power the new elite will feel justified to take what they can. That’s how they’ve learned how the world works.

If only the rich had been more willing to share with everyone for a safe and comfortable life for everyone. As we see in some European countries, more egalitarion countries are generally safer, have less crime and less social unrest. In the end that’s the only thing that will buy them real acceptance and safety. Bodyguards and private schools only widen the gap and increase the bubble of disconnect they are living in. Bubbles make them have too little knowledge about the real issues and pains in society. They think their propaganda can steer anger, and it seems to work. But even in wars that are won, victims happen on both sides. Families on both sides with face loss and disaster. And plans always don’t work as expected.

Secondly, Trump could have been gone it he wasn’t so media savvy. Rather than ignored he was put in the spotlight by both sides. All Trump news makes money. Even when all the left media attacks on him are factually right, it don’t matter. The right doesn’t watch, or don’t believe the factual take downs. They feel those take downs are part of their own sense of being suppressed. And all the attention the left has been putting in taking down Trump, has made the other side more radical as a form of self defence. If only the rich hadn’t given Trump all this attention. The media and legal pressures on Trump put him in a corner, pushing him to radicalise out of self defence.

That in the USA ‘news’ channels can blast opinionated propaganda into the air 24/7 is a crime in itself. But so many news anchors rather lie for money than wonder about the effects they are creating. This corruption will haunt one day all who took part in it, left and right. Like all Germans who helped fascism to rise, and then woke up too late, when they found they actively helped those who would rather destroy the whole nation, rather than admit defeat and their own wrongs. By the time the FOX news anchors have to praise Trump or be shot, let alone fired if being critical it’ll be too late. And the industries funding FOX with advertising keep pretending it’s business as usual. If only the media owners and makers had seen that the cheap talking commentator ‘news’ take downs, would divide and radicalise the nation.

Why Stopping the Rise of Fascism is Very Hard.

Most well thinking Americans fail to stand up in the right way. Warning of fascism when having a good income, gentle suburban life, or hot inner city career is just being part of the oppression. To demand people are polite to gays, or worry about the climate is being experienced as the ‘woke’ oppression. When you daily feel being robbed or fear homelessness you don’t have time for that shit. Addressing people with the right pronouns doesn’t address the real pain of poverty. The underbelly of the beast sees your woke asses as part of the hypocrites ruling the nation. And the conscious fascist ideologists instigate the rest by warning of trans people infiltrating your schools. Such perceived direct threats invoke biologically much more anxiety than polite scientists, telling another 2 degrees warmer temperature may be disastrous in 10 to 20 years.

Thus all pushing against Maga makes them feel more attacked and alone. Thus they organise better and better. And soon those who armed up against the day their government would come for them, or their guns, will use these guns for what they feel is self defence. Only it isn’t. It’s a coupe against a corrupt regime that way too many years condoned money in politics. It allowed smooth talkers sell you corporate Americas interests as good politics. And now it’s too late to take money out of politics. Now the huge corporations will support the right, if the left even considers to threaten their influence. And the people protecting themselves with guns, will use those guns to be the ones many people will need protection against. Sadly those with the guns will be blind to the fact that they are just new oppressors, of a worse kind than the old elites. They’ll rather close their eyes, as oppressing others gives access to food, luxuries and power.

That’s why the beast is coming and the USA fucked up alternative options.

The Last Barrier Before Things Explode

Many many well thinking calm cool people trying to maintain reason, trying to avoid escalation are the only thing preventing things getting worse. Sadly some of them wonder when to be on the save side and join the madness. Some scream louder and louder warnings against Maga, and become part of the perceived threat the Maga’s feel from what they call ‘woke’.

Why Fascism Always Will Destroy Itself.

A nation with accepted and forbidden truths is lying to itself. A nation with such ideologies will create alternative realities, until real facts hit home, like a climate freaking out, like plastic pollution poisoning the nation, like the new elite being way worse self serving bastards than the old. They raze everything for themselves. They’ won’t be able to stop themselves as their insane rhetorics, their lies are believed, and their believers will push them further and further. This too we can see. Those who consciously lie for attention and manipulation may be overtaken by those who really believe their shit. And such people will be blind to any reality but their own, until the building collapses.

Only when people wake up, a real revolution must clean ship. And some rich industrials, and foreign nations, will arm this revolution, for they’ll see the gains opportunity in the madness that must be stopped.

Oh, and you wonder how to address it?

Stop thinking your suppressing, ridiculing, fact checking Maga makes any difference.

Stay human, be kind, be empathic, speak truth to power, don’t get anxious, don’t attack Maga, nor ignore them. Help the victims of FOX news get on their feet. Push your employer not to advertise anything on media adding to the fire.

The Marshall plan after WWII helped prevent Germany going nuts again for many decades. Create such a plan for the whole nation, help make things work for everyone. Include everyone. End the deceits of liberalism, stop defending it as reason, or the reasonable alternative. End the power of money in politics. Study critical thinking. Become a volunteer to help victims of all current politics. Be seen helping anyone on both (political sides) showing there is a way beyond, aside of politics. Ask any Evangelical Christian to come help you with that. Show them, real humanity, rather than anger politics against perceived ‘wrongs’. Ask people what they’d love to see in friends, in family. Show love is stronger than hate, anxiety and greed.

It’s like Nelso Mandela trying to stop Apartheid. Only by including both sides offering them both satisfying gains and solutions can you make them both agree. Only by offering an inclusive solution, read not a democratic win (that’s only a temporary cork) can you help heal the whole.

For we only win, when everyone wins.



Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.