The Gentle Revolution School

A magical retreat for Gentle Rebels end of September 2017.

Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution
5 min readAug 3, 2017


The time to act by accepting ‘we’re the ones we’ve been waiting for’ is there. Gentle revolutionaries, change makers, spiritual activists, social entrepreneurs, process facilitators seeking to make a next step: join this lively 4 day program.

We All Are Leaders.

A leader is everyone who helps! Even saying ‘yes’, or ‘no’, to an order is a moment of leadership. And when you do that consciously of the impact of your choice on others and the world I welcome you to the movement. This movement has no official name, though I call it Gentle Revolution, Paul Hawken calls it the Blessed Unrest and Charles Eisenstein ‘those that work for the better world our hearts know is possible.’

The amount of people seeking and contributing to positive change in this world is overwhelming. Then why aren’t they in the news? Why do so many feel alone or doubt their contribution? Because on all of us who help others civilization rests and also, more and more clearly, rests the future of human kind and the health of the eco system. Governments, corporations and consumers clearly aren’t changing course fast and clear enough to prevent mayor damage to our eco systems. Thus everywhere bottom up groups are rising, experimenting, proposing alternatives or implementing alternatives that work. That is the Gentle Revolution at work. And when you’re part of it, or want to be, and want to be, join. When you want to feel a more inspired drive, a stronger connection, more creative in options, better at facilitation of processes; then you are invited to come to the Gentle Revolution School.

The crossroads of awakened people

Those that have a wider scope than most, can act more freely, while being aligned to what’s going on with others bring most value to a system. Playfulness, love, freedom, systems thinking, intuition all strengthen this. I have learned to thrive on chaos, on playfulness, don’t feel cornered when processes seem to hit a dead corner or erupt in chaos. I have learned there’s an inner compass we can learn to follow, even where our brain panics and doesn’t get it. Because the amount of information your whole system can process is soo much more than your understanding. When a bit of thinking on how to frame or host next steps is added you become a process alchemist. When you are able to be present in such a way, your influence in and service for group processes can go up in multifold. In fact I see many people able to do this, who often wonder why others are so grateful for their contributions. Why not learn to trust on the deeper skill and unfold that capability more? For yourself, your community, the whole world.

Do You feel Invited?

Join this week if you enjoy my blogs, if you are an activist seeking to enlarge his/her scope, connect dots to other fields, if you are an educator seeking to be more 21st century, if you are a Teal or systems thinker, but don’t know how to put it into practice. Come if you are young and wish to create your own path and seek the courage to do so. Come if you feel wasted in your current job and feel a burn out coming. Come when you feel empowered, yet don’t know how to get others along. Come if you’re curious and willing. Come if you want to learn how to better deal with chaos, if you want to be a swarm leader, a visionary, become more creative. Come when you are very spiritual yet don’t know how to put it into practice. Come when you are a teacher or facilitator ready for the master level. Come because a voice within says you have to, but your head doesn’t understand why. Come.

I’ll be waiting in anticipation and trust that all of you who do come, will be awesome people, even when you have doubts about that.

How to prepare and grow the Gentle Revolution?

Come join the Gentle Revolution School and deepen your sensing of groups, of possibility, of leadership, of the connection between body, mind and world. It’ll be an exiting 4 day ride, full of Floris best exercises, out of the box approaches, and an integral approach to learning and wisdom seeking. Also the collective wisdom of the participants will be spoken to. They’ll be invited to contribute and share their learnings.

Methods and approaches that we’ll use are Body Work, Nature, Creativity, Philosophy, Systems Thinking, Art, Nature, Swarming (this is up and come bottom up self organization), Collective Consciousness, Taoism, Tantric elements, Voice work, Theatre, Storytelling and everything else that feels appropriate.

Floris Koot

Floris is a long term independent creative, facilitator and play engineer. He has been part of many groups inciting some sort of change. He (co-)invented new schools (the surviving one is Knowmads), games, a sport, piano lesson method, theatre methods, training methods. He loves group facilitation and experience with that in many different settings, from business kick off’s, all kinds of trainings to festival rituals. His tone of work is sharp and compassionate, playful yet deep. He loves to turn his processes into a shared investigation or journey.

This program is connected to the Gentle Revolution Blog, Edushifts and Knowmads. Very connected to this article is this one: Why to be more than like a bee?

We’ll combine wisdom traditions and play to connect the dots between the different aspects in this model and experience how they all are deeply related.

What is needed for a human to really blossom and fly in a healthy world?



Floris Koot
The Gentle Revolution

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.