Is the Iranian nuclear issue related to Israel’s security?

This story was originally published in Areas & Producers

World As One 4PEACE
The Geopolitical Economist


Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

War and energy are on the minds of so many people right now. Conflict rages on from the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas to the Black Sea between Russia and Ukraine, as well as between armed groups in several countries such as Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Meanwhile, the Saudi-led OPEC+ meetings are stirring up the pot of international politics by cutting output of global oil supplies during Red Sea attacks.

That’s why I encourage everyone to join in this discussion. We should be talking more about world affairs these days!

I even wrote a previous opinion for the [The Weekend Brief] newsletter about corruption in Hungary’s political institutions — These issues are deeply embedded within the corrupt system of Hungary’s political institutions! — to explain the EU’s dilemma with Russia and Ukraine.

George Friedman is founder of Geopolitical Futures and author of many books on geopolitics. This latest writing by Friedman about the US strategy and Iran’s attack on Israel is insightful and a little controversial. Have a look at it here.

Now, here are my thoughts about the article.

“As of the time of writing…



World As One 4PEACE
The Geopolitical Economist

Publisher and Editor of Areas & Producers - Developing Concepts Around Scenarios/Shifts Of The World Future As One.