Comparative Analysis of the Israel Palestine and the Russia Ukraine conflict

The Biggest Hypocrisy of the West

The Double Standard in the Response of These Conflicts -Part 1

The Geopolitical Economist


Image From ADENOV

The article tries to explore the conflict response of two major conflicts that the world is witnessing: the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Israel Palestine; the Ukraine war, which is now in its third year and not seeing to end soon, and the Israel-Palestine conflict, which was started due to a terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel. But Israel took advantage of that “ Right to self-defense itself” and turned war into another way; this article aims to uncover Western biases in the conflict response by conducting a comparative analysis of these conflicts two significant conflicts.

What is the meaning of Double standard?

First, we need to understand what double standard or hypocrisy means in the context of international relations. Double standard or hypocrisy means the different treatment given to two different individual groups or countries at the same point in time in the same circumstances in the realm of international relations; it is often seen in term of human rights, environmental protection, and in the term of power, Where the developed nation imposed harsh guidelines, standards on the developing countries but when it comes to there own they set very lenient standards on there own.

This same thing seems in terms of the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine conflict where the Western countries at the same time, in the same circumstance, showing double standards.

Before delving into double standards, it’s essential to highlight the basic similarities between these conflicts. The Russia-Ukraine conflict began with the invasion of Russian forces on February 24, 2022, rooted in historical, economic, and geopolitical factors. The recent attack by Russia on Ukraine has brought to light the geopolitical motivations behind the conflict. The continued expansion of NATO in eastern Europe poses a threat to the security of Russia. Therefore, Russia demands security guarantees from NATO; on the other hand, Ukraine wants its own security guarantees. In order to do this, they want to be part of NATO.

Similarly, the Israel-Palestine conflict has historical roots and various perspectives on its origins, but the recent terrorist attack by Hamas prompted Israel to declare a state of war.

Image from Imgflip

The similarity between the Israel-Palestine conflict and the russia ukraine conflict

  1. Colonial Subjugation: Both conflicts involve one national people historically colonially subjugated by the other. In the case of Israel-Palestine, Palestinians have been under Israeli control and Occupation, while in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukrainians have faced historical subjugation by Russia.
  2. War and Occupation: both the conflict in Ukraine and the conflict in Palestine show the ongoing wars of attempted conquest and Occupation. Israel has occupied Palestinian territories, while Russia’s actions in Ukraine, particularly in Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine, are seen as attempts at conquest and Occupation.
  3. Military Actions and Bombardments: Devastating air strikes and bombardment of civilian targets are evident in both conflicts. This includes cutting off access to utilities and humanitarian aid in both Gaza (Palestine) and cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut (Ukraine).
  4. Authoritarian Leaders: Both conflicts involve leaders who continually deny the legitimacy of the subjugated people’s national identity and their right to self-determination.
  5. Support for National Self-Determination: Supporting Ukraine’s right to self-determination should lead to supporting Palestine’s right to self-determination as well.

Therefore, Both conflicts involve ongoing wars, attempts at conquest, and military actions. Devastating airstrikes and bombardments target civilian areas in both Ukraine and Palestine, affecting access to utilities and humanitarian aid. Additionally, authoritarian leaders in both conflicts deny the legitimacy of the subjugated people’s national identity and their right to self-determination. From this, we can understand how similar the Israel-Palestine situation and the Russia-Ukraine situation are, where Palestine and Ukraine found themself in the same situation.

The next part of the article reveals the hypocrisy and the double standard that the world is witnessing right now.

