The Geopolitical Economist: Join the Conversation

The Geopolitical Economist” publication, inviting writers to join the conversation on geopolitics, economics, and global affairs.

The Geopolitical Economist
4 min readSep 4, 2023


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Today, I am glad to announce that I am going to start a publication known as “The Geopolitical Economist.” But what is this publication, what is its purpose, and how does it differ from other publications?

What is The Geopolitical Economist (GPE) ?

“The Geopolitical Economist” (GPE) is a specialized publication on Medium that primarily focuses on the intersection of geopolitics, politics, historical analysis of international events, and broader topics such as climate change, which affects the entire world, and space programs. It seeks to provide in-depth analyses, insights, and commentary on how global political events, policies, and decisions impact the world of geopolitics. This publication aims to bridge the gap between these complex fields and offer a comprehensive perspective on the forces shaping our interconnected world.

Here’s how “The Geopolitical Economist” differs from other publications:

Specialized Focus: Unlike general news outlets or economic magazines, GPE specializes in exploring the geopolitical aspects of economic trends. It delves into how political developments, such as international conflicts, trade agreements, or government policies, influence financial markets, trade flows, and business strategies.

In-Depth Analysis: GPE provides in-depth analysis and expert commentary. It goes beyond surface-level reporting to offer readers a deeper understanding of the underlying forces at play in the global economy.

Interdisciplinary Approach: This publication takes an interdisciplinary approach by combining insights from geopolitics and economics. It recognizes that these two fields are intricately linked and aims to uncover the hidden connections that often go unnoticed.

Forward-Looking Perspective: While many publications focus on current events, GPE also looks ahead. It anticipates how geopolitical shifts may impact future economic landscapes, helping readers make informed decisions in an uncertain world.

Global Reach: Geopolitical Economist has a global perspective, considering the impact of geopolitical events on economies worldwide. It doesn’t limit its coverage to a specific region but seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the global economic landscape.

Diverse Perspectives: GPE welcomes writers from various backgrounds and with different viewpoints. Whether you support Western ideologies or hold conservative views, your perspective is valued. The publication embraces a range of viewpoints, fostering healthy discourse and debate.

Space Programs and Economics: Additionally, “The Geopolitical Economist” provides in-depth knowledge and analysis of space programs and their economic implications. It explores the role of space agencies like NASA, ESA, ISRO, Roscosmos, and others in the global economy. From satellite technologies to space exploration initiatives, GPE delves into how these programs impact economic growth, innovation, and international collaboration.

In essence, “The Geopolitical Economist” is a unique publication that offers a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between geopolitics, economics, and space exploration. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed about the forces shaping our modern world and making sense of the challenges and opportunities they present. If you wish to contribute as a writer, please express your interest in the comments, and you will be added as a valued contributor to this insightful platform.

How to Join The Geopolitical Economist:

If you have a passion for writing about politics, international relations, history, current events analysis, or topics related to space, economics, or climate change, then The Geopolitical Economist (GPE) is the right platform for you to share your insights and expertise.

To become a writer for GPE, simply leave a comment expressing your interest, and I will promptly add you as a writer to our esteemed team.

Important Points to Note:

As a writer for GPE, you are entrusted with the responsibility of presenting accurate and well-researched facts. Please ensure the following:

  1. Accuracy: Be diligent in verifying the accuracy of the information you present in your articles. Fact-checking is crucial.
  2. Image Usage: When including images in your articles, ensure they are copyright-free and properly credited if necessary. Respect intellectual property rights.
  3. Correct Maps: If your article includes maps of countries or regions, use accurate and up-to-date maps. Precision in mapping is essential, as it plays a significant role in conveying information accurately.
  4. Ethical Responsibility: Recognize the importance of responsible journalism. Uphold ethical standards in your writing and reporting.

By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to maintaining the quality and integrity of our publication. Your commitment to accuracy and ethical journalism is greatly appreciated as you join The Geopolitical Economist in its mission to provide valuable insights into global affairs.



The Geopolitical Economist

Passionate writer specialized in Geopolitics, International Relations, Politics, and Economics. Providing insightful analysis to unravel global complexities