The Geopolitical Economist
5 min readOct 15, 2023

I know we all have once thought about our universe & the origins of it. And most of you have also thought about what the is universe made up of. the shape and size of it and a childhood dream of making our own universe.if you have thought about this congrats you are in the right column to get the answer to it. SO LET’S START


STEP1:Take a proton(one of the constituents of an atom) you know the size of a proton is so small that even the dot of the letter ‘i’ can hold 500 billion in it and cut that proton into the 1th/billion part of the its actual size.

STEP2:So somehow you manage to reduce the size of the proton and then put that 1/billion part of a proton and put it into a box so small that the box will not have any dimensions. so small that the box should look so enormous compared to the small part of a proton.

STEP3:and Finally, you have to put 1 ounce of matter into the dimensionless box { i don’t know how you will do but i know you can do it }

STEP4:CONGRATULATION! readers you have successfully created your own universe. thanks to writer BILL BRYSON for providing this recipe..

and of course, I am joking these steps are nearly impossible tell me how can someone make such a small box that will have no dimensions.But readers so worry I have another plan which is also impossible but we have a small probability of doing it what you have to do is take a spaceship and go to the edge of the universe and collect all existing matter, anti-matter existing in our whole mighty universe after collecting it shrink al the matter into so small that it will create “singularity”.


OH! I just forgot to tell you about the concept of singularity. so singularity was the space beyond human imagination the time before the big bang when there were no physical forces like gravity. A time when there was no time a place that didn’t have its past or will have its future nor the current present time. commonly known as a space of nothingness, a space that had multidimensions. and form that space of nothingness our beautiful unimaginable cosmos formed. but how can we get something from nothingness? For this question’s answer, we have the proof, and the proof is our universe the answer is the universe it has emerged from nothingness or singularity See around yourself everything has emerged from nothingness or singularity..


the birth of our universe from the singularity was like ‘how an idea pops out from our brain’.After an unimaginable fraction of a second, the principal forces came into existence that governed our universe. and in less than a minute, the universe that we can hold in our hands expanded a billion trillion times the early size of it. your imagination is wrong most of you will think that the expansion is like a balloon expanding in a room but it’s wrong the most valid answer for this problem that scientists have given is that the universe was expanding in its own created space or the only space that exists is the space it creates as it goes. amazing! right just think that again a balloon creates its own space to expand in it..

an incorrect visulisation of the bigbang

now let’s continue with the origins after the creation of principal forces the two light metals hydrogen and helium, and very little of lithium was formed at that time the temperature of the universe was about 10 Billion degrees Celsius [those who know its value in Fahrenheit just multiply it by 9/5 and add 32]and this temperature is above the threshold to conduct a nuclear reaction and this led to the creation of many light metals. Now we have our wonderful universe where we are currently living and nearly 98% of the total matter in the cosmos was produced.


To start this part first, let’s go to the mid-1960s when two young astrophysicists Arno and Robert were doing an experiment with their Antennas while working on their experiment they found a very interesting problem what they encountered is that from antennas there was a very annoying sound was coming out like ‘hissss’ and this hissing sound was coming from all the direction of the horizon day and solve this problem the two young astrophysicists tried their best but failed to solve it at this point Arno and Robert went to the nearby Princeton University to meet the group of scientists headed by Professor Robert [not the young one] this team was working on an idea given by Russian astrophysicists in 1940s according to him if we will look deep into the cosmos we can find some background radiation leftover from the big bang [the far you see in the dark you can see our past] and that background radiation will come in the form of microwaves [see the light frequency table to know more about it] after the 2 physicists told their observation to the Princeton scientists they found out that his hiss sound is nothing but just the big ban emitted microwaves. and this accidental discovery gave the two people Arno & Robert a Noble Prize in 1978. and for those who are thinking about what happened to the Princeton scientists what did they get? They got a ton of sympathy….

4. The conclusion;

don’t worry guys this is the first part of this series and next Sunday you will get another part of it. and I hope this article helped you to gain some basic knowledge about science and the cosmos. and the comment section is freely open for feedback. !THANKYOU!

