UN’s Deliberation & Decisions..

The Geopolitical Economist
2 min readOct 29, 2023

Here we are going to examine the ongoing dynamics of Israel and Palestine and the views of nations at the UN.

Yesterday at 5:30 pm the whole world’s eye was on the voting cast by the total 179 members of the United Nations General Council. excited to know the results wait for it first we will closely examine the resolution proposed by the two countries Canada and Jorden and the effects of the voting on the ongoing Middle East conflict.


the resolution which was eventually passed by the majority at the UN was the “Calling for an Immediate, Durable, and sustained humanitarian truce for a cessation of hostilities” and this proposal was backed by 45 member states from all around the world. This proposal was mainly focused on three important key components which are ‘IMMEDIATE’ which states that both sides should immediately focus their attention from the war to a more peaceful form of negotiations. The longer the conflict goes on more the number of casualties will happen. So both parties should de-escalate the matter as soon as possible. the second and the third keywords ‘DURABLE’ & ‘SUSTAINED HUMANITARIAN’.as we know this region has faced many turmoils over the last five to six decades and has never been able to conclude a strong and robust proposal/treaty due to which throughout many years both the parties had lost and taken many innocent lives and causes humanitarian crises throughout the 20th century although we can only hope that this declaration can help to de-escalate the matter and bring back humanity and peacefulness to this region.

this was the brief discussion of the Jordan proposal if we look at the Canada proposal which was backed by 35member countries including the US which was “Seeking an explicit condemnation of the Hamas” and the end of this bill fortunately or unfortunately[depends upon viewpoint] didn’t pass and failed to gain 2/3rd majority. I think this declaration’s main spotlight was only on one side of the conflict rather than on both sides and this is the main issue with this proposal and that is why it didn't get the majority support and I personally think that both sides are less or more are equally responsible for this ‘2023 genocide’ what you guys think let me know.

If we look summary of the UN voting we will see around 120 countries supported the proposal around 14 were against it and 45 nations pressed the abstained button also the major countries like the USA, China, India, France, and Russia USA went for the against button both Russia and France were in the favored side including China and India went for the abstention side.


official vote counts at UN

