Why We Live in an Age of Never-ending Cold War
Today’s article will be simple and complex.
The issue is straightforward, but the solution is highly controversial and open to various solutions.
(My behind the paywall link.)
Finding the problem is easy for most problems, but it is much harder to find an effective resolution.
Since the ending of the Second World War in 1945, which left nearly a hundred million people dead around the globe, humanity has been experiencing Cold War after Cold War and never-ending international and regional conflicts.
We can see this with the frozen conflicts in the Middle East, with neither the Turks, Israelis, Iranians, nor Saudis able to battle it out and determine who will be the dominant power within the region.
Instead, the region is engulfed in proxy wars, with each state competing for influence in the Region’s never-ending cycle of violence.
And it’s the interference of Western powers, mainly the British, Americans, French, Russian and others, that try to manage the region to at least ensure the security of oil shipments to the rest of the world. The solution has been to bomb the place every couple of years.
The reason for this is that sometimes the cure for the problem is even worse than the…