The Geopolitical Economist
3 min readNov 19, 2023

On 11 NOV, 21 country’s representatives gathered together in San- Francisco to attend the annual APEC{Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation} summit. This was the first time ever after 7 years that China’s President Xi Jinping was going to attend a summit on American soil.

Throughout the summit, the main attraction was the face-to-face bilateral talks between the two economic giants after many years. in this meeting Biden and Xi aimed to resolve their strained ties, Trade issues, and the ongoing Israel- Gaza conflict. Everyone thought that this meeting would make a big impact on worldwide issues and would improve their ties but everything went slightly different than expected directly after their meeting President Biden called Xi a ‘DICTATOR’ of China addressing a CNN report in a press conference. and this statement caught the world’s eye on it. After that Chinese news portal, Global News strongly condemned Biden's statement and said this kind of statement could pose a great threat to the China-US partnership. In my view, this meeting was a full disaster…

also, Japan’s PM Fumio Kishida, Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau, along with Indonesia’s PM attended the summit along with many more but as always Russian President Putin didn’t attend this summit. in his absence, the Deputy prime minister of Russia attended this summit.

and those who are interested in the origins of the APEC with part is for you. The APEC or Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation was established in the year 1989 its main objective is to “leverage the growing interdependent of the Asia Pacific and create prosperity for the people of the region through regional economic integration”.Trade and economy is their main issue of interaction. and each member of APEC is called ‘Economies’ in their summits

the major countries of the APEC are Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; the Philippines; the Russian Federation; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; the United States of America; Vietnam.shockingly India is not part of it.

An article published by the think tank Centre for Strategies and International Studies established in Brunei noted that “The dynamic growth attributed to APEC initiative, contributed significantly to the development of the growth of middle class in the developing nations of the Asia-Pacific.APEC economies of 2.9 billion citizens make up 60% of the total global GDP and about 48 percent of the global trade as of 2018”

As of the year 2023, this Block hasn’t shown any significant developments in its summits and global view and issues and hasn’t expanded its membership for the last decade. So let’s hope for the best.

So, in this article, we have discussed the origins of APEC and done analyses of their latest summit in the US and the bitter relationship between the Panda and the Eagle. and the contributions of this summit to the global world. and at last, thank you! for your precious time…………….

