Feeling Good About Yourself, While the Weight Comes Off

There are things you can do while you wait.

Matilda Fairholm
The Get Fit Gang


Photo by Frank Vessia on Unsplash

I’ve battled excess weight and disordered eating all of my adult life. I’ve been 150 pounds and 250 pounds, and many places in between.

Now I’m on my way to a weight that is healthy for me. How do I know?

Because I have finally utilized the method that has helped me to overcome other enormous challenges in my life.

They worked for those, and they seemed pretty insurmountable at the time. I believe they will work for this.

I’ve assembled a team, a ‘players box’, to help me navigate this journey, and I’m being honest with them about what I can and cannot do.

And I’m winning.

It’s going to take a while though. The formula is pretty simple.

Follow quality advice, add time

You can’t rush the time part.



Matilda Fairholm
The Get Fit Gang

Writing to rescue others from the devastation of domestic abuse, and learning to live better. https://matildafairholm.medium.com/membership