I walked 10000 steps/day for a month!

Here is what I can tell you

The Get Fit Gang
3 min readJun 3, 2021


Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

My daily goal is to reach 10000 steps/day. Well, I must say that I initially wanted to reach 20000 steps/day, but it was impossible with a full-time job. So, I remained on 10000 plus/minus 2000 steps.

To know how long it takes you to walk 10000 steps, you should calculate your average steps per minute, then divide 10000/your average-steps. Mine was 115–130 steps per minutes, so it takes me almost 80 minutes to reach my goal.

I am not going to tell you the benefits of walking because they are countless. What I can tell you is that you will probably regret being late to adapt that habit in your life (I hope you do not), and it is not too late anyway.

Here are five tips to encourage you to go outside and walk every day:

Set a fixed time:

Set your schedule and try your best to make it on the same time every time you walk. If you arbitrary decide that timing, then your body will find it difficult to adapt. So, as your stomach starts to rumble for food around 1 pm, your legs will alarm you according to your daily routine.

Forget about how much you weigh:

I do not care whether you are overweight or skinny. Both body types can walk, and both get tiered after a long walk. If you want to get the benefits of walking, you should start walking today and start to see some magic within 10 days.

Time your walk right before your next meal:

No one wants to walk for an hour after a meal, it is uncomfortable and unhealthy. I found the best time to be the first thing in the morning or before dinner. You should try different times to find what is best for you.

Subscribe to a podcast or listen to book reviews:

Well, this one made me more interested in going out for a walk. I listened to more than 50 book reviews in 10 days, amazing right? The idea is to randomly listen to what you like while walking. Music is a good option, but it gets boring after a week or two. So, of you want to enjoy your walk, get yourself an app or simply YouTube what you want to hear while walking.

You walked, are you done? Well, almost:

Right after you come back home take a cold shower. I know most of us cannot bear the cold water, but you really should wash your legs with cold water to relax them, and it feels so good, trust me in this one.

Body Response: Walking vs. Jogging

When you walk every day for a month, your body responds by releasing various hormones that would lead to less stress, growth hormones and many positive reactions that will make you happier. But should you keep walking, or it is time to start running? Well, that depends on the amount of energy and time you have. If you feel that you are ready to run or even light jogging, then you do it. But! You will be shifting from one thing to another, and you may notice different body reactions. In my opinion, you should be combining the two, that is: walk when you have time and run when you are busy.



The Get Fit Gang

Read my stories to get to know me better. I write about self-improvement, the environment, management & innovation.