Exercise Anywhere

Powerful Songs That Make You Want to Dance

While nobody is watching. In your kitchen, living room, on the street.

Karen Madej
The Get Fit Gang
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2020


Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

If you’re reading this on the bus or train, you can nod your head a bit. Not enough to make heads turn, just some small chicken head movements.

I dare you to sing. Or hum. Or lip-sync.

I love to power dance in the park, three, four, five times a week.

I dance in the kitchen when it’s cold and raining.

It is not me in the gif. I wish it were.

It’s a way to shake off the cobwebs that have gathered during the day while I’m slaving away at my laptop.

It also means I can eat naughty comfort food and not put on weight.

I don’t get dressed up in exercise gear. Just comfy trousers, not too loose, not too tight, a few layers on top — a t-shirt, sweat top, and a warm jacket.

