Gratitude 01/15/17

1 min readJan 16, 2017


I want to end the night by giving gratitude, so here are three things I’m thankful for today:

ONE. Companionship

  • I had the most wonderful time catching up with someone I’m close to tonight. I hadn’t laughed this much in a while, too! We went to Coffee Bean, I tried their favorite tea, all the while we chatted about anything and everything.

TWO. My family, especially my mother

  • My mother shows so much kindness, empathy, and compassion — it’s inspiring and it makes me feel blessed that I have such a beautiful woman for my mom.

THREE. Internet

  • Without the internet, I wouldn’t have been able to watch episodes of Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure: Star Crusaders! I watched episodes of Iggy today, and I loved the character development on his end ❤

xx, gianne

