Someone please remind me to follow my dream; not dread — thanks

The Gig Economy Issue 1: The List


I recently decided quitting my job and committing 100% in my creative life is a sound life choice. So here I am. My decision led me towards entering the gig economy which means I am currently not receiving a steady paycheck. At 40 something: with No benefits. No savings. No youthful energy.

My story begins with a list …

This is the actual list I made two months ago when I decided I would quit my job and give my energy to Genius Inspired. My Professional Creative Brainstorming Guidance company I created.

I worked in hospitality for years and was hanging out for a supervisor’s job. I loved my job. I was not making enough money to pay my bills and things were about to get worse, but I loved my job. When they started sending the current supervisors back to the mines and also started making bonuses almost impossible, the time for plan B was upon me.

Now for the past year, I have been working as a Professional Creative Brainstorming Guide. I help artists, artisans, innovators, inventors and really creative business owners get their dreams to the next level of success. I was having an amazing, and humbling, time working with these Geniuses and I am pretty good at it, so doing this full time seems like a really cool journey for me.

Now, replacing my income with Genius Inspired is months away. Finding other ways to make ends meet was really really important. Way important. I spoke with several of my friends at work and they said I could average $30 an hour driving for Rideshare Companies. I did the math, if I drove for Uber and Lyft for 35 hours a week, I could hit my weekly goal with them alone as I replaced driving with other Gig’s and Genius Inspired, I could drive less and less.

Well they lied, so far, as I will talk about in Issue 3: The Belly of The Beast, but I did not know that then, so I sat down and made my list of how I was replacing my current income and prayed for guidance.

The Refined list of my personal Gig Economy

Everyone, and I mean pretty much everyone, told me I can totally make my goal each week. Just apply myself and my talents will do the rest. So I gave my two weeks and started “applying myself”

Ha! “applying myself” is one of those ambiguous statements haunting me since elementary school. How in the world am I “applying myself” each day? I hung on to my job almost a month longer after I made my list until I realized I am never going getting truly ready for this whole applying thing, so I left work before my two weeks notice was up and I began my new life November 2nd, 2017.

← So here I am. I am going to write and video and Podcast this and pray about this and let you read, watch and see all my failures and triumphs. My blog will be about me. The Podcast will be with Gig Influencer Extraordinary , Matt Graves and myself and our video projects will be a collection of us, our clients and other gig influences who are doing it without a steady paycheck but super happy anyway.

If you would like helping me drive less and support me writing more, join and/or share my patreon pages

The Gig Economy Podcast and support us for a little as $1 a month.

The Jb Bradford Short Stories Page. (Featuring Santa’s Helper for the Holidays) My stories are on my main page where you can see all my creative work.

