[Review] on The Teenage Guide to Stress

Learnt to Self-Help from Teenager’s Guide :)

The Gig’Conomic
2 min readJan 6, 2019


I was bumped into Nicola Morgan’s Book “accidentally” while I was in a library. I took it out of a pile of books without any special intention and flip the page randomly, surprisingly I found the content pretty interesting. While I am very aware that I am no longer a teenager, somehow I found the content still relevant to my “young-adult” life. Read some paragraphs of that book reminded me about the importance of mindfulness and resilience.

The book like emphasize the fact that stress is an inevitable situation that would exists and always be there as long as we breathe air out of our lungs.

I was compelled by part of the book that discuss about the concept of stress condition in teenage life. It was said that while we’re in stressful feeling, we are always under “Fight or Flight” state of mind. While that reaction is very natural when we got attack or threatened, it is not in mental stress. Why? because we had a superficial threat. There’s no real danger or threat in front of us, yet we’re constantly feel pressured by our own fear, fear that’s fabricated by our own mental drama. Since there’s no real danger, we’re going to continuously had that feeling and would ended-up in more stressful condition. Aha! Perfect picture of Drama!

The point is we made our own suffering. Often-times we gave drama and story we told to our self about “what if” and all the fearful possibilities, while they’re not in our control. Read a snippet of that book brought me in a good sense of comprehension that we do really need to cultivate our mindfulness. In which makes me wondering, why doesn’t that thing being taught at school? How could school never taught self-help and gave us a glimpse about resilient? — I guess that question bring us back into a question, What are schools for?

Other than that, I am very recommending the book as a source of mindfulness for anyone, especially if you’re in your teenage life — *How lucky you are :)

P.S : Thank you for reading, it means a lot to me and if I could add-up one more, it turns out we could learn from the book that’s designed for kids anyway



The Gig’Conomic

Personal Development Enthusiast, Writer and Story Teller. I see things and stories created upon it. Striving to bring back knowledge to society.