A Letter From Daddie

Daddies Vulnerable Heart

Part One: The Secret Whispers


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Trigger Warning and Disclaimer:

Please note that the following content explores themes of an adult and intimate nature, including a DD/LG dynamic, emotional vulnerability, and explicit descriptions of a consensual romantic and sexual relationship. This story is intended for mature audiences and may not be suitable for all readers. It is a work of fiction and does not endorse or promote any specific lifestyle. Reader discretion is advised.

The characters and events depicted in this narrative are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story is designed for entertainment purposes only and should be read in the context of a fantasy setting.

Letter from Daddie

My Dearest Little One,

I find myself at a loss for words, grappling with feelings that emerged unexpectedly today. Please know that it was never my intention to let anger or hostility cloud our conversation, especially when you were opening up to me. You mean the world to me, and seeing you in pain is the last thing I want.

The chaos of my thoughts and emotions overwhelmed me, and I realized that I may have reacted in a way that wasn’t helpful. I’m trying to understand, to dissect our interaction so I can learn and grow, to be the Daddie you deserve. But tonight, my thoughts are muddled, tangled up in a song that’s been looping in my mind since this afternoon.

I keep asking myself, why am I so hard on myself? What’s wrong with me? Despite all the techniques and logic at my disposal, I couldn’t navigate through this maze in my head.

Today was tough, and being called upon for an emergency at work didn’t help. But know this, my little girl, your mental health, your happiness, and well-being are of utmost importance to me. I know I’m not perfect. Sometimes what I think doesn’t translate well into what I say, and I’m sorry for that.

Seeing you fall asleep with tears in your eyes broke my heart. I want to be there for you, to hug away the loneliness, to kiss the pain away, and to help you process everything in a way that’s healthy and safe.

I dream of a life where money and bills don’t dictate our days, where we can just be together, carefree and happy. But that’s not our reality, and I know that the burdens of work and responsibility often leave us feeling disconnected.

Please don’t feel the need to respond to this email. By the time you do, I’ll have had some rest and hopefully, be in a better place emotionally. I am truly sorry for any pain I’ve caused. Writing to you like this is something I’ll try to do more often, to share my struggles and work through them.

I love you and our boys with every atom of my being. You are my world, my little piglette.

With all my love,


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