Dear Lady.

Motivating to harness your feminine strength.


Photo by Dmytro Tolokonov on Unsplash

I see you.

The crippling pains you hide behind easy smiles.

How often you stare at your reflection and wonder why.

Not to forget the crushed self esteem you shrug off in an attempt to fit.

Fit what? I ask.

Are struggles suddenly the same for every one?

Or wealth and good fortune?

Why then do you worry about how different you are from others!

Your fingers can attest to my proclamation.

You’re YOU .

And far greater than the worthless value placed on your size and weight.

Certainly not from society that demands you fit into a one size fit.

Foolish, isn’t it?

So wake up!

Don’t fold those industrious hands.

Or slouch the shoulders that carry generations of lives.

Walk with the confidence of who you are.

A woman.



Perspective Coca
The Girl Code Publication

Creative writer | Storyteller. I write to help people get better perspective of life❤️