Top 5 skills to acquire in 2022

Choukouriyah ARINLOYE
GirlLEAD Talent Accelerator
5 min readMar 8, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Are you a fresh graduate? A young professional or someone who just wants to try new things? Then this article will probably give you an idea of what you can learn.

Already in the fourth month of 2022 …Time flies so quickly! But you’re still wondering what to embrace as a career or what to acquire as competencies to make a difference? A skill that could help you not only earn money but also improve your lifestyle and your personal growth.

If you are a very curious person, then you are aware that there are several skills you can learn in a short time; you just need to be consistent and put in the necessary effort. This blog post will be about the skills (both soft and hard) that are important to get in 2022. Having one would be good, having them all would be better.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are developing at a high speed and it’s important to keep updating your knowledge or learning new other things. These crucial skills that will be presented in this article are not only related to digital, technology, or coding.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Here we go :

Learn how to learn

It may sound weird but learning how to learn is a skill an individual has to acquire. To learn something new is equivalent to training your mind to understand something. Very different from simple information, a skill you learn is to be used in a practical domain. In fact, when you learn something, you apply it to a given situation or a problem.

But the thing is that some people lack learning skills and get bored or even overwhelmed quickly while working alone or on a self-paced rhythm. There are tons of learning techniques that can help you to be effective while learning on your own. Moreover, you need to have effective note-taking skills, either with your smartphone applications (Notepad-Keep-Evernote-Notion…) or with a pen and a notebook. In addition, it is very important to know how to stay focused and when to rest.

Today, educational online platforms are numerous and provide courses on almost everything. Some are completely free, others are not and there are certain that offer both paid and free courses. In one of these cases, you can earn not only a nice useful skill but also a certificate to prove that you really have the skill. Coursera, EdX, LinkedIn Learning, Future Learn, Udacity, Skillshare, and Udemy are the ones that are well known as online education platforms.

Photo by Yasin Yusuf on Unsplash

Learn how to communicate effectively

Communication is more than answering a “hello” or a “how are you doing today ?”. It is very important to understand what effective communication means to you as an individual and how this can be useful not only in your immediate environment but also at work. This is a must-have skill in this digital era, especially while working with remote teams.

Communication is not only about saying what you think or notice but it is also about being emotionally intelligent and paying more attention to what others also say. It matters a lot! You can learn about some tips to effectively communicate as well as certain ways to improve your communication skills.

Another important aspect here is your vocabulary and particularly the words you choose while communicating. Your vocabulary should be enriched and for that to be possible, one idea is to read (books-newspapers-novels…) and hold discussions with people you admire or the ones you take as models.

Get started with technical writing

Or simple writing… If you discover that you have a passion for writing, developing creative content, and storytelling, then you may consider getting started with online writing. Mainly, you can decide to create a blog to publish your articles and make people learn more about you and your talents. Firstly, you can start with Medium or Hashnode which are two platforms well known for blogging and free to start.

Once you start and feel confident about it, you can now think about shifting to technical writing, regardless of what your background is. Technical writing is more about how to do what. Your creative abilities are needed here more than the technical skills. You just need to convey a message in its most understandable format.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Learn to create applications

Or if you prefer “Learn to code”… Coding scares some people but the goal here is not to scare you but to inform you that you can try and decide if you want to leave or not. But just try! There are many programming languages and they are all useful and you can learn them. Basically, there is web programming (for online platforms), mobile programming (for smartphones), and desktop programming (for laptops).

Once you have decided the one you want to go with, you will have several choices for the learning mode. For instance, you can learn through books, manuals, video tutorials, and articles. Also, you can register for boot camps or training for guided instruction. Hubspot explains why and how you can start learning code.

Dive into Data Science

Data Scientist is known as the sexiest job of the 21st century and a lot of people are considering it as a career to embrace. So, if you are planning to reorient your job career and have a passion for numbers, and data, this role can be a good fit for you. Moreover, if your background is in technology, it will be better.

Data professionals are the ones who get insights from a large set of data in order to take business decisions in an enterprise. You can be a data analyst if you have a great eye for details and love visualization. Or, you can choose to be a data scientist if your statistical background is very strong. But you can also be a data engineer if you have experience in coding and automated processes to collect and store data.

There are also various platforms, fellowships, and boot camps available to start in data science. Even here on Medium, there are some articles that can be useful for you and that is by the way, very practical. On Datacamp, you have all you need to master the basics when it comes to programming or visualization in data science.

Thank You for reading!

Until another write-up …

Stay Safe!



Choukouriyah ARINLOYE
GirlLEAD Talent Accelerator

A computer scientist with a deep interest In Data Analysis and Data Engineering...Love working on practical projects - creating appealing content on technology.