Be More Productive — 6 ways that really work

The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge
5 min readAug 10, 2016

Work·a·hol·ic — a person who compulsively works hard and long hours. Does this sound like you? Be honest. Being a workaholic is definitely different than having hustle. We put in our hours and we have shed plenty of blood sweat and tears to get where we are today. We are never into coasting or getting by. We are about growing and learning ways to be more effective, valuable and constructive. Who doesn’t need that?

Here are some of our most strategic recommendations to be your best, most productive self by setting boundaries for your life. It’s about working smarter, not harder so you can be your most productive self: one that gets stuff done (and has fun, too)!

  1. Be Specific on Sunday:

While Sunday is the weekend and you should preserve a balanced lifestyle away from work, taking a bit of time on Sunday evening to plan out your week ahead can be ridiculously beneficial. By mapping out important tasks for the upcoming week, you are able to prepare yourself to hit the ground running on Monday morning. When you write out your week, you are putting it out there and affirming your goals. Be specific! If you are vague you will likely spend more time worrying and “in your head” about the tasks than actually doing it. You will be surprised how quickly you’ll learn what you can accomplish when it’s down ‘on paper’ and when you’re detailed.

2. Make an E-mail Protocol:

We live in a day and age where you are expected to be available all. the. time. Let’s face it, everyone is glued to their phones. If someone emails you Saturday morning, it’s safe to say they assume you received the e-mail and want a response. Set YOUR boundaries! If you are spending an average of over 2 hours per day replying to e-mails (or simply on your phone), then you ought to reassess how you budget your time.

Find a time to respond to e-mails and texts in batches. Perhaps take 15–30 minutes before your meetings begin each day and then again at the end of your workday. It can take getting used to, like any habit, but we assure you that people will respect that you have things to do besides stare at your computer. We highly recommend an automated e-mail reply in the form of this template from “The 4-Hour Workweek,” by Tim Ferriss.

3. Skip Some Meetings:

“The bad news is Time Flies. The good news is, you’re the PILOT!” - Michael Althsuler

Time is arguably the most important currency in life. We get it, females are social beings. We are connectors, helpers, leaders, entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters, partners and friends. And, we want to be great at all of it. We know the desire to meet with many people for the benefit of networking, new business, existing business, friendships, volunteering, and just life. Knowing what meetings to ditch is particularly important. If your manager wants to have a one-on-one meeting, of course you go. However, attending a meeting about what font to use in the presentation may not be worth your time. We aren’t saying skip them all (obviously). And, we also understand that being invited to meetings feels good and makes us feel needed.

Nevertheless, in many cases they’re long, boring, and unproductive. It’s become typical to say, “I’m in back-to-back meetings.” Sigh. The best things you can do to make your meetings count are: Be clear on your company’s purpose (it’s main mission and focus), your purpose (why you were hired to add value), and then get everyone on board (have everyone on the team do this exercise). This one meeting to answer the aforementioned questions, may be your ticket out of the next meeting.

4. Ask for Help:

Why is it so hard to delegate? Do we need the accolades, the pat on the back? There is so much that an intern, an assistant, your partner, your colleague, and your boss can do to help you get your tasks done well. Everybody needs help! We must let go of these trust barriers for the sake of our time and our productivity. Tell your colleague what the deadline is for the project, make sure to give them all of the resources, and expect their best deliverable.

The irony is that most of us love to help others, yet so many of us also have a hard time asking for ourselves. Requesting support can make us feel vulnerable. But, when you make requests in a confident, warm and empowering way, you will be thrilled with the support and contribution. Try it.

5. Inhibit Interferences:

Did you know that the average smartphone user checks their device 221 times a day? Are you curious now about how often you check yours? Maybe we should all just put our phones out of sight during work hours. We need to rethink our relationship with technology if we can’t work for a few hours without checking social media. Today it isn’t uncommon to have a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and Snapchat account. When we are not using these social platforms, we may be checking e-mail, reading random facts on Wikipedia, or watching something pointless on the internet. To be effective, to be truly successful, it’s obvious we MUST set times to DISCONNECT.

6. Schedule Non-Negotiable Self-Care:

Put yourself FIRST. Yes, just like on an airplane: Put your oxygen mask on first. You must save yourself before you can help another, run a team, a family, a corporation. Think about it and then identify what it will take each day to sustain you. We know that if you’re burnt, you can’t put out fresh, creative work. If you’ve slept 8 hours total all week, you will crash. And, if you’ve skipped all of your workouts, you will not be producing many endorphins that make you feel like the queen that you are.

So, here’s the deal. We all love to make excuses about how “crazy busy” we are. Got it! We are too. But at the end of the day, you must take care of YOU because girl, you have a successful, bright future. You know it, too. Switch that phone now to music shuffle mode. Take in a walk or a run, then take our advice and take back your time! You will feel high on life, accomplished and confident (and you know how The Girls’ Lounge feels about confidence). Here’s to your success and productivity!

Written with ❤ by the girls at The Girls Lounge.



The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge

A place for women to connect, discover their confidence and activate change. If we could have done it alone, we would have by now.