How To Master The Art Of Confidence

The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge
2 min readMay 20, 2016

“Confidence is the ability to believe not only in your potential, but in your ability to act on it.” Stacy London, host extraordinaire and one of our Girls’ Lounge girls lit up the room at the Lounge @ SXSW when she spoke these words. “Confidence is the power to activate your potential.”

We always say, confidence is beautiful, and when combined with Stacy’s words, we recognize that it is also powerful. So how can we best find and harness this incredible quality? Watch our Confidence Runway from SXSW, or skim these three key ways to be unstoppable!

Fake it until you make it. Honesty is always the best policy, unless you’re letting your internal monologue bully you. If you’re not feeling confident, close the gap between where you are and where you want to be by playing pretend and making believe that you’re oozing the very confidence you’re missing. Worried about public speaking before you have to give a presentation? Your audience doesn’t know that. When you’re slipping your shoes on for the day, tell yourself they belong to a bold and self-assured power-player. It might sound cheesy, but the greatest challenge we often have to confidence is ourself, so feel free to trick yourself into feeling fearless.

Lead by example: confidence is contagious. At our Confidence Runway at The Girls’ Lounge @ SXSW, Stacy London told us, “Confidence can be bred. It’s actually contagious. Like instead of a cold, you can come in here and catch confidence.” It’s true, and it happens everywhere! Spread the feeling by supporting your coworkers, team and friends. Balance how you challenge and manage others with how your support them, and together, you’ll all grow to be the best versions of yourselves.

Break ceilings… and break ground! We’ve all felt that glass ceiling looming over us, whether it’s a daily obstacle or a nagging feeling in the back of our minds. By banding together, women can (and do) smash through it, but don’t forget about your foundation. Break ground with as much enthusiasm as you have for that glass ceiling — bring new ideas into your office, set precedents for better business, challenge others and yourself. That’s the confidence that will make you truly unstoppable.

What are your tricks for conjuring confidence and how do you use it at work and beyond? Leave us a comment below and share your story!

Written with ❤ by the Girls at The Girls Lounge.



The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge

A place for women to connect, discover their confidence and activate change. If we could have done it alone, we would have by now.